Hey there, WeeVees! Today, July 14th, we logged onto CPA Battlegrounds – Ice Breaker, to train for the upcoming tournament, Legends Cup! We gathered at the Iceberg where we practiced some bombs and formations. Despite the lag, I think we did a great job, so congrats everyone, and thank you all for coming! Thank you to Chase, Pog, and Dino who took pictures of today’s event! Make sure to check out our upcoming events – AUSIA Training and Sunday Funday.
Max: 20
Filed under: EU, Event Posts, Water Viking Training Regiment, water vikings, water vikings of cp, water vikings of cpr | Tagged: cp water vikings, cpr water vikings, EU Battle Training, EU Training Events, Legends Cup Training, Training Events, Vikings train, water viking, water vikings, Water Vikings Battle Training, water vikings cp, Water Vikings CPR, Water Vikings EU, Water Vikings Legends Cup Training, water vikings of cp, Water Vikings Training Event, wv, wvofcp | Leave a comment »