• Welcome to WV! We are the strongest, multi-divisional army. We have soldiers from all over the world and we need YOU! Join our Discord and represent your continent on the battlefield! You'll be part of the most legendary organization in Club Penguin History. FEAR THE WAVE! ~Water Vikings Leaders

[EU] Tuesday Troop U-Lead

What’s up, Water Vikings! Today, on March 21st, 2023, we logged on to Club Penguin Army Battlegrounds for our u-lead! Thank you to everyone who led tactics today; you are the future of WV!  Thank you to Mabel and 69Chekochekdar for VC leading our event today. Here is the road to obtaining #1 on the TT next week. Make sure to attend our Wednesday EU event tomorrow!

Max: 23

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[EU] Practice Battles VS Dark Vikings!

Happy Saturday, Water Vikings! Today, on March 18th, 2023, we logged on to Club Penguin Army Battlegrounds to spend the afternoon/evening practicing some creative forms and improving our speed. A surprise practice battle with Dark Vikings for the second time this week! Thank you to Dino, Mabel, Sip, and Disha for leading today’s event, and to Disha and Sip for VC leading our event today. Another successful event, another dub in the books. See you, Vikings, at our Sunday EU Event!

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[EU] A Three-Way Battle!

Hey there, WeeVees! Today, March 15, we logged onto CPA Battlegrounds – Battleground, for a three-way battle with the Dark Vikings and the People’s Imperial Confederation. We all gathered at the Snow Forts for a warmup session, before meeting the two armies Inside the Mine, following the Stadium, and ending the battle at the Iceberg. It was a great battle, and thank you to the Dark Vikings and the People’s Imperial Confederation for this. Thank you to everyone who could attend the event today, and to Mabel, Claire, and Disha for leading. A big shoutout to Dino, Sebzy, Rye, Chek, Claire, and Chey for taking pictures of today’s battle. Our next battle is with the Templars, and it is tomorrow, so make sure to check it out and react in the channel if you can attend – Battle with the Templars.

Max: 25

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[EU] You Know We Love You, Kally!

Hey there, WeeVees! Today, August 12th, we logged onto CPA Battlegrounds – Battleground, for a Practice Battle with our lovely allies, the Ice Warriors! We gathered at the Iceberg before we met our allies at the Stadium and finally ended our event at the Snow Forts. It was a great battle, and thank you to everyone who could make it! Thank you to the Ice Warriors for this practice battle, and lastly, shoutout and thanks to Dino and Holly for taking pictures of today’s event. Make sure to check our next event, which will certainly be an aMOOsing one (please appreciate the pun :P), and react in the channel if you can attend – Cow Takeover.

Max: 20

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[EU] You May Be Ice, But We Are The Coolest

Hey there, WeeVees! Today, August 4th, we logged onto CPA Battlegrounds – Ice Breaker, for a practice battle with our lovely allies, the Ice Warriors! We all gathered at the Iceberg before we head over to the Docks to meet our allies. It was an intense, yet great practice battle, and thank you to our allies for it! Thank you to all the weevees who could make it today for the practice battle, and lastly, shoutout and thanks to Claire, Dino, and, Villa for taking pictures of today’s event. Make sure to check our next event, which will certainly be a melodious one, (I promise!), and react in the channel if you can attend – Music Takeover.

Max: 24

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[EU] The Vikings Successfully Liberate The Sapphire Mines!

Hey there, WeeVees! Today, June 24th, we logged onto CPA Battlegrounds – Ice Breaker, to free the sapphire mines, and engage in a practice battle with the Help Force! We all gathered at the Iceberg before meeting the Helpers at the Dock, and finally ending the battle at the Underground Pool. It was a great battle and we thank the Help Force for it. Thank you to everyone who came today! Make sure to check out the AUSIA Training Event and the EU Training Event that we have tomorrow! 

Max: 22

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[EU Battle] Icing On The Cake – Surprise!

Hello there, WeeVees! Today, June 7th, we logged onto CPA Battlegrounds – Ice Breaker, for a surprise meet-up with our lovely allies, the Ice Warriors! We gathered at the Iceberg before we headed over to the Stadium, and engaged in a practice battle with our allies. Thank you to everyone who came today! Make sure to check out the event that we have tomorrow, here.

Max: 23

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