• Welcome to WV! We are the strongest, multi-divisional army. We have soldiers from all over the world and we need YOU! Join our Discord and represent your continent on the battlefield! You'll be part of the most legendary organization in Club Penguin History. FEAR THE WAVE! ~Water Vikings Leaders

[EU] Invasion of Fiesta Against TCP

Hello Vikings! Today on November 4th, 2022 we logged onto CPA Battlegrounds – Warzone for our invasion of TCP‘s server Fiesta! It was a major success for the Water Vikings today, winning the first room and getting the last two in a tie! Good job to everyone and an amazing job to Dino who helped lead the entire 30 minutes today! ♡

Max: 28

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[EU] Second Eagre Foray Victory Parade!

Hey Vikings!!! Today on September 10th, 2022, we logged onto CPA Battlegrounds – Icebreaker to celebrate our win against SWAT at our victory parade! This event was a really good event, as being lead by Pydro and me as the new leader! Continue reading to see the pictures! : D

Max: 25

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[Ocean Oracle] Frostbite Observer || 08/28 – 09/03

Hey Vikings! For this week of Frostbite Observer we’ll be going over our total of 5 events.

But before we start the post, let’s announce our Top Ten results:

We did an amazing job this week with the wars, winning all 5 invasions and defenses, rising up to 2nd this week! Good job vikings!

Now onto the post!

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[US] Invasion of Stone Cold

Hey Vikings! Today on August 31st, 2022, we logged onto CPA Battlegrounds – Battleground for another invasion of our war against SWAT! This was our 4th war battle against them. We headed to inside The Mine, before moving to the Ice Berg, and then finally ending things off at the Stadium! We won all 3 rooms and I couldn’t have been more proud of all of us.

Max: 45

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[US] Defense of Toboggan

Hey Vikings! Today on August 30th, 2022, on CPA Battlegrounds – Battleground, SWAT fought back to try and take Toboggan, but we defended the land and won with all 3 rooms!

Max: 51

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[Ocean Oracle] Frostbite Observer || 08/07 – 08/13

Hey Vikings! Welcome back to another Frostbite Observer post. For this week we had a total of 5 events.

Here is our rank for Top Ten:

As well as… the promos of the week! Congratulations to the following:

I’m stopping the post once more to show some beautiful art one of our staff members, Holly, has drew for Ocean Oracle!

Now onto the post!

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Hi Vikings! Today, August 2nd, we logged on to CPA Battlegrounds, server Ice Breaker, room Iceberg to show everybody our favorite foods! We dressed up as delicious apples, pizzas, strawberries, oranges, candies and a bunch of other yummy foods and practiced neat formations and massive bombs. It was an appetizing event and due to our big max we had a nitro giveaway 😮
Thanks to all the people who joined us! Make sure to keep an eye open for our upcoming events: Ausia U-Lead and the great Battle vs Ice Warriors! You don’t wanna miss out, gonna be fun!

Max: 26

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[Ocean Oracle] Frostbite Observer || 07/24 – 07/30

Heyyy Vikings! Welcome to another Frostbite Observer post. We are officially nearing the end of July, and in comes August!

For this week, we had a total of 6 events. Continue reading to learn more about them!

But before we start… let’s congratulate those who have been promoted!

Now onto the post!

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[EU] The Water Vikings Prepare for the Scavenger Challenge

[EU] he Water Vikings Prepare for the Scavenger Challenge
May 21st, 2022
Led by Aaronstone and Guncotton
Post Written by Dino


Hilsener, WV!

Today we logged onto Ice Breaker, CPABattleground, for an EU training session to prepare for the Scavenger Challenge scheduled for tomorrow. We practiced different types of bombs to help boost creativity. We did very well today and had arguably our best performance this week. Congratulations to Savant and Alexx on their promotions to Viking Sailor and great job, WV! Make sure to react in #battle-vs-templars if you can attend tomorrow’s big battle!

[Maximum Peak] 25 (No difference from last event)
Authenic Peak] 20 (⭡2 from last event)
[Average Size] 23 (⭡1 from last event)

[bg_collapse view=”button-blue” color=”#fff” expand_text=”Click to See Attendees” collapse_text=”Click to Hide Attendees” ](Viking Commander) Aaronstone | Aaronstone
(Viking Commander) Pjayo | Pjayo
(Viking Commander) Pydro | Pydro
(Viking Commander) Guncotton | Guncotton
(Viking Commander) Buddy | Buddy
(Vice Commander) Dino | Dino
(Vice Commander) John Doe | John Doe
(Vice Commander) Mabel | Mabel
(Vice Commander) Chey | Chey
(Viking General) Claire | Claire
(Viking General) Tia | Tia.
(Viking Lord) Velia | beanerina
(HCOM-in-Training) Raven | Raven
(Viking Warrior) Lukey | Lukey
(Viking Warrior) Chris | Chris
(Viking Soldier) Savant | Savant
(Viking Soldier) Alexx | alexx!!
(Ice Warriors) Kally | Kally
(Ice Warriors) DrQueen | DrQueen
(Ice Warriors) lost30europe | lost30europe
(Ice Warriors) HeadChicken | HeadChicken
(Silver Empire) Disha | Disha
(Special Weapons and Tactics) G90sWife | G90sWife
(Retired) VioletaRM | VioletaRM
(Neutral) LoboBranco | LoboBranco




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Top Ten Troops [5/8/22-5/14/2022]

Ocean Oracle Logo of the Top Ten Troops


Addressed to the USWV,

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