• Welcome to WV! We are the strongest, multi-divisional army. We have soldiers from all over the world and we need YOU! Join our Discord and represent your continent on the battlefield! You'll be part of the most legendary organization in Club Penguin History. FEAR THE WAVE! ~Water Vikings Leaders

[AUSIA] Blame Wynn and Mchappy, Disha is Innocent

Hey there, WeeVees! Today, May 6, we logged onto CPA Battlegrounds – Ice Breaker, for an AUSIA Training Session, all hyped up for AUSIA Arena tomorrow! We all gathered at the Iceberg where we practiced some bombs and formations. Thank you to everyone who came today! Thank you to Mabel for leading today’s event, and to DrQueen, Mogi, Mabel, and Disha for taking pictures of today’s training! Make sure to check out the huge battle that we have tomorrow, and react in the channel if you can attend – AUSIA Arena Battle . <— We need all of you for this one!

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[EU] May the Fourth be with us!

Hey there, WeeVees! Today, May 4, we logged onto CPA Battlegrounds – Battleground, for a Star Wars Takeover, after which we joined the community event hosted by Club Penguin Armies. We all gathered at the Docks wearing our Star Wars-themed attires to train for the first 10 minutes before we joined the community event with four other armies. Thank you to everyone who could make it today, and a big shoutout to Mabel and Mr. Stone for leading today’s event. Make sure to check the events that are coming up, one of them being a tournament that we are partaking in, and react in the channels if you can attend – Friday Training  and AUSIA Arena Battle .

Max: 25

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[EU] The Troops Take The Viking Wheel

Hey Vikings! Today on January 20th, 2023, we logged onto CPA Battlegrounds – Ice Breaker and let our lovely troops and staff take the wheel and do some leading in our U-Lead Event on the Iceberg!

This was a very fun event for many of us today, so keep reading!!!

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[EU] Invasion of Fiesta Against TCP

Hello Vikings! Today on November 4th, 2022 we logged onto CPA Battlegrounds – Warzone for our invasion of TCP‘s server Fiesta! It was a major success for the Water Vikings today, winning the first room and getting the last two in a tie! Good job to everyone and an amazing job to Dino who helped lead the entire 30 minutes today! ♡

Max: 28

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[EU] Legends Cups Finals Against The Templars

Hello Vikings! Today on October 15th, 2022, the Water Vikings logged onto CPA Battlegrounds – Battleground for our finals battle against the Templars for LCXII. Both armies worked extremely well for this, and although the Vikings have lost, we are still supportive of the Templars and congratulate them on winning the cup!

Max: 51

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[US] One More Marshmallow

Hey there, WeeVees! Today, September 5th, we logged onto CPA Battlegrounds – Battleground, for our 7th invasion against the Special Weapons and Tactics: Invasion of Marshmallow. We all gathered at the Iceberg before changing rooms to the Stadium. Once again, SWAT did not turn up, and we were successful in conquering more of their territory. Thank you to everyone who could make it to this invasion, and a big shoutout to Dino for taking pictures today! Make sure to check out the Mystery Event that we have on Wednesday, and react in the channel if you can make it – Mystery Event.

Max: 28

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[US] Defense of Toboggan

Hey Vikings! Today on August 30th, 2022, on CPA Battlegrounds – Battleground, SWAT fought back to try and take Toboggan, but we defended the land and won with all 3 rooms!

Max: 51

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