• Welcome to WV! We are the strongest, multi-divisional army. We have soldiers from all over the world and we need YOU! Join our Discord and represent your continent on the battlefield! You'll be part of the most legendary organization in Club Penguin History. FEAR THE WAVE! ~Water Vikings Leaders


August 12th, 2022
Led by Dino and Mabel
Post Written by Dino


Hilsener, WV!

Today we logged onto Ice Breaker, CPABattleground, for an AUSIA training session. It was a pretty basic training except we finally got a good X form. yeah…very exciting.   Make sure to react in #sunday-ausia if you can attend tomorrow’s event!

[Maximum Peak] 17

[bg_collapse view=”button-blue” color=”#fff” expand_text=”Click to See Attendees” collapse_text=”Click to Hide Attendees” ](Viking Commander) Dino | Dino
(Viking Commander) Mabel | Mabel
(Viking Commander) Claire | Claire
(Viking Commander) Jojo Teri | Jojo Teri
(Vice Commander) Mogi4 | Mogi4
(Vice Commander) Crazyflame | Crazyflame
(Viking General) Aurora | Aurora
(Viking Chief) Lunita | Lunita_cziki
(Staff-in-Training) CuddlyPiplup | CuddlyPiplup
(Staff-in-Training) Skyu | Skyu55
(Staff-in-Training) sarsoorah.il.amira | sarahh!
(Viking Commodore) Pingo | pingoboiii
(Viking Ensign) Jazondm | Hampter4532
(Viking Sailor) Diamond MC | DiamondMC

(Advisor) Leo | Leo.
(Retired) Pydro | pydro
(Help Force) Jo |


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Is It Time David Finally Beat Goliath?


i refuse to bust out the pen tool and make a high-quality graphic for this post so ermmmmm krill yourself if you have a problem

This Saturday, we face the Rebel Penguin Federation in what could be the largest battle of this generation (outside war). We are in the Legends Cup semi-finals, and if we defeat the RPF we will advance to the finals round for the fourth time in our history (the most for an army that hasn’t won a Legends Cup tournament).

I won’t wax poetic in this post because I already did that last year. Instead, I want to stress the importance:

  • In 2015, we got screwed in the Legends Cup finals in one of the closest LC finals battles yet.
  • In 2016, we lost a very close battle against the RPF in March Madness.
  • Once again in 2016, we went on another Cinderella run in the Legends Cup finals. This run wasn’t as close as the year before but was still a shame.
  • In 2022, we were an underdog against the RPF in the AUSIA Arena tournament. We still lost but nabbed a room against all odds.

If you read what I’ve said above, you’ll see that we’ve struggled to ever get past the RPF. When does the bleeding end? That is the million-dollar question. We could stick our thumbs up our asses and waste another year. Or, we can finally right this wrong.

What I’m saying is it’s finally high time we defeat the RPF. In what can only be called a “David vs Goliath” battle, we will look to finally defeat the RPF. This isn’t just about advancing to the next round and winning it all, but finally stop bottling against the RPF.

Are we going to prove we can be in the major club by saying we won something against RPF or are we going to walk home? This is a call to arms to all Viking Veterans, old and new. This is a call to arms to all current soldiers, whether recruits, middle ranks, or staff.

RPF (Goliath) vs WV (David)

I hope to see you all at the battle Saturday. It’s finally time we win.

David vs. Goliath – WV vs. RPF in Legends Cup

The Show Must Go On

For immediate release, addressed to the Water Vikings:

Had to redraft this intro so many times as I wasn’t sure which way would be best. I ultimately concluded just cutting to the chase is best.

Monday, I filed a request for honorable retirement with HCOV. It was greenlit on the condition that I had some successors in mind. The plan with this announcement was to announce that I’d be retiring on August 30th; that would’ve still been the plan had I not done some contemplating on Wednesday. I don’t think WV would be in good hands if I retired earlier than I wanted to. As such, I will not be retiring after all. But just because I am not retiring doesn’t mean there isn’t going to be some change.

First of all, I will be formally going on leave for the next 7 days to focus on regaining my motivation. I was going to this back in late June after AUSIA Arena but the thrill made me hold off (which in hindsight was a bad call). Secondly, I’d like to announce the following new Viking Commanders:

  • Jojo Teri: A very great battle tactician and recruitment workhorse, Jojo joined us during the miserable tail-end of last year and has stayed with us through thick and thin.
  • Claire: Having been with WV since 2020 and staff/HICOM since 2021, Claire has always proved to be a welcoming workhorse and heavily involved in promoting the community.

Now some will be asking: how will this leadership work? Until the USWV constitution is finished, me and Mabel will stay as the acting First and Second Ministers (respectively)—meaning we are the only ones who can act on WV’s behalf in foreign relations. Jojo and Claire though will be equals to us two in every other factor (including day-to-day affairs).

My role as a leader will be evolving. It is clear the army cannot survive long-term if I still struggle to find the time (along with Mabel juggling work). That’s why these promotions were done and will be permanent. My role in the army now will be more of a councilor figure. I’m going to be making sure all staff gets adjusted to Jojo and Claire (as well as trust them) and make sure they regularly do things I did that helped the army when we first revived.

I will eventually retire. My time, however, is not now. I just do not think it would be right for me to just abandon WV. I need to make sure the army is in secure hands. When I do eventually retire, I want it to be like this I had no importance to the army and thus it continues as is. It sounds masochistic, but I want the army to learn to move on from me properly. I have fought multiple times to ensure that HCOV didn’t micro-manage during my and Mabel’s leadership. Instead of being reactionary like mid-2021 Revan would’ve probably wanted, I see HCOV as a positive. However, I want the army to be self-sufficient.

In a staff meeting last week, the point was raised that this army is carried by me and Mabel. I disagree but I do acknowledge that if we two are not active, the impact outweighs the hard work of the other staff. I believe this will ensure the stability of WV is maintained. We cannot let this Blue Summer die in vain.

I’m not going to wax poetic anymore. We have a tournament (Legends Cup) to win. Let’s win this together as a team.

Water Vikings’ Declaration of War on “WV”

The Alabama Plan

For immediate release, addressed to the Water Vikings and army community:

With the World War finally ending, the community has been left in a weird position. If you want my honest opinion, whilst whatever happened on the battlefield might’ve been advantageous to us at the moment (though it is irrelevant regardless), we were truly embarrassed diplomatically. Ultimately no one won this war.

My priority will always be putting Water Vikings first—and it will be. But on the other hand, the community cannot be left in a much-to-be-desired state right before the Legends Cup tournament. If the community is not healthy, it becomes even more boring and WV as a whole also suffers.

WV should not be self-fish; we got what we really wanted from the World War (making sure ACP cannot over-expand and finally put an end to the nearly 2-year-long PIC-WV drama which was trivial in my opinion). We need to use our rare position to help the community.

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「IMPORTANT」 Declaration of War on the ACP

Revealed for the first time: War flag of the United Servers of the Water Vikings.

For immediate release, addressed to the Water Vikings:

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Statement Regarding the ACP Battle

For immediate release, addressed to the Water Vikings and the Army of Club Penguin:

Today we were meant to battle the Army of Club Penguin in a much-anticipated practice battle. Unfortunately, for the third time now, this had to be canceled. Prior, both us and ACP were to blame for communication issues—the first being us assuming ACP would battle us on January 28th and again on February 4th.

We were heavily looking forward to this battle, but unfortunately, it did not go as planned. We had asked ACP if they wanted judges, and Calgo initially agreed before retracting his agreement and our two armies devolving into arguments. We eventually elected to just not battle ACP after the comments were exchanged.

For the record, we do not regret our frustrations with ACP for changing their minds all-of-a-sudden. Nothing has changed on that front. We are right to be frustrated (as was ACP). That said, I apologize to my army for the premature decision to not battle ACP. Instead of at least compromising and getting the necessary top-ten points/having a fun “rematch” that we wanted, I called ACP’s bluff and eventually became apparent I was not gonna be able to put together a replacement battle.

It is criminal that I made you all [our WV troops] feel hyped for a battle that both we and ACP should’ve communicated better on. It is unhealthy for all of you to prepare for a battle that would just fall apart. We should know better than to not flex our muscles when it is not necessary.

The hatred towards ACP is not necessary. We’ve been working so hard to heal relations after World War 8 and the IW drama in November 2022. I am frustrated like most of you on how this fell out but the calls for a retaliatory action are even more short-sighted than me not compromising for the battle. Your frustration should be directed towards me, as I failed to acknowledge the consequences.

To conclude this, I will enact a policy for this army effectively immediately: we will not be practicing battling ACP for the months of March and April. Whilst yes the disrespect demonstrated also by ACP’s leader was uncalled for (especially after he stated he did not want to even cooperate with us to straighten this out), it is more so grounded in the fact that I’d prefer this toxicity subside before we practice battling one another again. ACP will not be classified as an enemy, for what it is worth.

I’d like to remind all of my staff and high command that we have something big planned soon. We cannot distract ourselves with petty drama with ACP. We cannot distract ourselves with raids or some war. We cannot distract ourselves from our goal of being the best. I’m frankly done with us being pushed around like the sickman army we’ve been known by for years. Let’s keep our eyes on the prize.

Authorized by,

Viking Commander

Subj: Ice Warriors

For immediate release, addressed to the Water Vikings and the Army Community:

Today marked the start of a series of expose posts against the Ice Warriors army. The posts outed two leaders for pedophilia, along with mentioning other discriminative behavior. I won’t be linking the posts due to the sensitivity of the topics, but they are very concerning.

After a unanimous vote by the Water Vikings’ higher command, leadership, and advisory, the Water Vikings terminate its alliance with the Ice Warriors and now classifies them as an enemy.

The conduct by the two former leaders is horrendous, bordering Recon Federation‘s levels of grossness. Whilst both leaders have resigned, the fact that this has been going on for at least a year minimum, and yet no action was done is ridiculous. There is no way leadership did not receive complaints beforehand about this behavior.

We thank Ice Warriors for being a very close ally in months and years past, including under Kally and DrQueen. We will never forget those memories. However, the incumbent Ice Warriors regime is not the same one we chose to ally with. The Ice Warriors un-allied with us in 2020 after the inexcusable behavior of a former WV 2nd-in-Command’s doxxing behavior against former SWAT leadership; I think it is perfectly reasonable for us to un-ally for something possibly worse.

In regards to the enemy status, this does not imply we are now at war with the Ice Warriors. We have no plans to interact with the map or engage in petty warfare at the moment with March Madness on our minds. What it does mean however is we will not have any foreign relations with the Ice Warriors army, nor will we practice-battle them. They betrayed our trust, along with our other shared allies.

I don’t care if the motive behind the posts were “bad”. Even if they were, that doesn’t make genuine pedophilia and other bad things moot. What happened is not justifiable in the slightest. We have taken a strong stance against pedophilia historically and will continue to do so.

This behavior is never tolerated in the community. We will survive even without the Ice Warriors. I cannot say the same for them, as they need us more than we need them.

Authorized by,

Viking Commander

Viking Commander

High Council of Vikings de-facto Chair

declaration of war on IW

the average IW roblox recruit

Frostbite, WV Capital ─ Ice Warriors smell, ngl. Therefore, WV declares war. War will end when IW declares the church of BERT as supreme.

  1. All battles will be decided in a best of 3 in mancala;
  2. All battles must be at 3 AM EST unless we state otherwise;
  3. Aaronstone isn’t allowed within a 50-mile radius of the battle (i have a FUCKING restraining order filed on him).



edit: because some 30 year old judge refused to accept our battle request due to “formatting” issues, I made it nice. Cry.



Rally Around the Flag: Why WV MUST Win This March Madness

For immediate release, addressed to the Water Vikings:

My fellow compatriots of the Water Vikings. I am addressing you today about something significant. In 2 weeks, we will be facing off in the March Madness tournament—a significant tournament held within the Club Penguin Armies community annually from March to April. In this Stromaeic speech, I want to address to you all why this March Madness in particular must be won by us.

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