Hey there, WeeVees! Today, October 8th, we logged onto CPA Battlegrounds – Ice Breaker, for the Legends Cup Semi-final round against the Army of Club Penguin. We all gathered at the Iceberg for a warmup session, before meeting our opponent at the Snow Forts, battling it out there, at the Dojo, and finally ending our battle at the Iceberg. According to the Judges’ verdict, we won the first two rooms, and tied for the final room, eventually winning the entire battle! Congratulations Weevees and a big thank you to everyone who showed up and helped us get this victory! Indeed, this would not have been possible without you all. Well done to the Army of Club Penguin for putting up a great fight and making this a fun battle, and thank you to the judges for refereeing this battle. Lastly, a huge shoutout and thanks to Dino, Mare, and Pingo for taking pictures today, and to Dragon, for recording the battle. Let us all keep up the good work, and I bet Legend Cup will be ours! The finals will be happening sometime next week, so do keep a lookout for when the event has been announced!

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