• Welcome to WV! We are the strongest, multi-divisional army. We have soldiers from all over the world and we need YOU! Join our Discord and represent your continent on the battlefield! You'll be part of the most legendary organization in Club Penguin History. FEAR THE WAVE! ~Water Vikings Leaders

[AUSIA] Invasion of Ganger’s Gorillas

Heyo Vikings!

On 18th June, 2021, we logged on to Abominable on CPR to battle SWAT for their server Ganger’s Gorillas! The Vikings played the role of Animal Control and successfully seized the gorillas! We battled (or waited for one) Inside the Mine, and when nobody showed up, we won! Thanks to everyone who showed up, and don’t forget…

ganger been in the cp army game since a few years. he’s a legend for sure.
Max: 22

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The Beginning of the Owa Owa Alliance

HOT CHOCOLATE, Foreign Affairs – Hey everyone! I come bearing news, and trust me, it’s one spicy scoop!

On 8th June, 2021 the Water Vikings made an announcement that could change the course of the army! Under the leadership of Misty and Oreo, the Vikings formed an alliance with the Fire Warriors! Dubbed the Owa Owa Alliance, this steamy duo is sure to make hot waves in the army community! Thanks to Austin for this amazing graphic

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[AUSIA] Dance Party

Hey Vikings!

Today, 13th June 2021, we logged on to Zipline on Club Penguin Rewritten for a fun Dance Party! We stayed at the Iceberg for a bit, where Wolfgirl led the tactics for us! We then headed on over to the Stadium for a short battle with the Ice Warriors, or so we thought. They flaked on us ;-; We decided to dance our pain away after this heartbreak. Thanks to everyone who came out today!

Max: 21 Continue reading

[EU] Invasion of Jerry’s Funeral

Hey Vikings!

Today, 12th June 2021, we logged on to Abominable on Club Penguin Rewritten to battle the Golden Troops for their land, Jerry’s Funeral! We battled across the Iceberg, Stadium, and the Gift Shop. With awesome puns and great tactics, the Vikings conquered Jerry’s Funeral, and renamed it Bumland! (it’s for BuMu get your mind out of the gutter) Thanks to everyone who came today, let’s keep it going!

Max: 20 Continue reading

[AUSIA] Battle vs SSCP

Hey Vikings!
Today, 11th June 2021, the Vikings logged on to Zipline on Club Penguin Rewritten for a Battle vs the lovely Sea Serpents of Club Penguin! After warming up at the Plaza, we waddled over to the Iceberg (where Minty and Cotton finally joined us!) to battle the serpents! We then went to the Beach, where things got a little Nessie, I mean messy! The Ice Warriors crashed the party! Unfortunately this meant we had to cut the battle short (all of us were frozen, what did you expect?) but we had a nice game of Find 4! Don’t forget about the Invasion of Half Pipe later today!

Max: 19

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[US] Defence of Frostbite

Good Morning Vikings! 

Today, 9th June 2021, the Vikings logged on to Ascent on Club Penguin Rewritten to defend our server Frostbite against the Golden Troops! This very very late event (thanks to GT) was a total success, because we saved our server! Even with the unusual time, we had 21 penguins show up! (22 if you count Notfrm63rd who was stuck in town) Thank you to each and every one of you who showed up today, y’all are amazing! Thanks to Oreo, Abi, and le moi for leading rooms today, and Mabel for VC transcribing! We have a busy weekend ahead of us so react react react!

Max: 21  Continue reading

[AUSIA] Sushi Takeover

Konichiwa Vikings! 

Today, 5th June, 2021, we logged on to Club Penguin Rewritten for a Sushi Takeover! We started off in Town, but because of the crazy crowd there, we quickly moved to the Nightclub for a short event. With delicious puns and clean cut forms, I’d like to consider this event a success! Don’t forget about the two event today, the Battle vs TCP and the Pride Parade!

Max:20 Continue reading

[EU] Prodigal Sons

Hello Vikings! 

Today, 4th June, 2021, the Vikings logged onto Zipline on CPR to extend a warm welcome back to our beloved 2ics, GunMommy and First One, Moses106. These two amazing veterans came back to the Water Vikings last week to support the current leadership. Translation: We’re amazing and they wanted to be a part of it! We sang our praises to them at the Gift Shop, Town, and Stadium, and guess what? They didn’t even show up! How rude! We played Haxball without them because we weren’t gonna miss out on the fun like they did :wary:


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[AUSIA] Aunt Arctic Takeover

Hola Vikings! 

Today, 4th June, 2021 we logged on to Zipline on CPR for our Aunt Arctic Takeover! We donned our pink torques and wore a dazzling green as we dressed up in the Gift Shop! We stayed there for a while (this level of perfection takes time, darlings) before we headed to the Iceberg for a Who Wore It Best – Green Edition! While our lovely allies, the Army of Club Penguin, did look amazing, nothing compares to the natural beauty of Aunt Arctic, nothing except 21 of ’em! Thanks to everyone who came out today; and remember, if you have a question, Ask Aunt Arctic!

Max: 21 Continue reading

Water Vikings Olympics Results!

Hello hello Water Vikings! Today I shall summarize the events of the first ever Water Vikings Olympics! I shall also finally declare a winner! But before I do, I would like to formally acknowledge Woezel and Df44 for their combined efforts towards making this amazing banner!

The first WV Olympics were held from 24th May, 2021 to 30th May, 2021. They consisted of a variety of games, such as Ice Fishing, Cart Surfer, and more!

The Opening Ceremony took place on 24th May. We gathered at the Docks for a ceremonial Planting of the Flag, and Mistymoonlake declared the Water Vikings Olympics Open! The Vikings rushed to hop over bottles and frogs as they competed for first in Hydro Hopper! Paragon9 took home the gold 321 coins – that’s 3210 points!

The next event we held was the Ice Fishing tournament! As the Vikings cast and reeled and cast again, due to my limited knowledge, we had 3 winners for 3 different categories! Congratulations to Sol for winning in the General Category, Paragon9 for winning in the Lures Category, and Comsk for winning in the Allies Category!

Sol’s score

Paragon9’s score

Comsk’s score

We didn’t forget about our AUSIA gang! In the spirit of fairness, we held 3 AUSIA events, the first of which was the Dancelympics! The Vikings grooved to their choice of music, their only restriction the time. Looks like Oreo did her research, because she won this round with a score of 49,158 points!

Yet another AUSIA event saw a newcomer secure first place. 10 Vikings faced off in the Find Four Tournament, but only one emerged victorious. Congratulations to Wolfgirl beating the rest!

As a part of Olympics week, we also had a Battle vs SWAT, in which the Vikings secured an irrefutable win! Words are so important, especially when people have robbed your victory in the past smh. Here’s a little snipped which I feel captures the essence of the battle:

After the highly successful battle, we entered the last day of the Olympics, on which we had two events. The first was an AUSIA Cart Surfer Tournament. After a small skirmish with the Ice Warriors, the Vikings rode the rails, trying to rack up points with sick flips and tricks. Our beloved GunMommy emerged victorious with an indisputable win! He managed to collect 1755 coins – a score so high nobody can usurp him as Cart King for a while.

Our last and final event for the Water Vikings Olympics was the Pizzalympics! I hope you have a sweet tooth, because the Vikings donned their chef caps and aprons to whip up amazing Candy Pizzas in the Pizzatron300! The winner of this round was Paragon9 with 37 pizzas sold!

The Water Vikings Olympics was a huge success, and it was all thanks to you guys for participating and being amazing! But we can’t close this chapter unless we declare a winner, can we?

And now, presenting the winners (yes, multiple) of the First Event Water Vikings Olympics

Paragon9 for most wins and Oreo for most points!

Congratulations guys!

And with this, I, Mistymoonlake, Viking Commander, declare the 1st Water Vikings Olympics