• Welcome to WV! We are the strongest, multi-divisional army. We have soldiers from all over the world and we need YOU! Join our Discord and represent your continent on the battlefield! You'll be part of the most legendary organization in Club Penguin History. FEAR THE WAVE! ~Water Vikings Leaders

Weeky Recap » September 1st – September 7th

Hiya Vikings! Gather around the shore cause today we will have one more week in review of the Water Vikings army!
This week we had lots of events, including the introduction of the Minecraft server as well as a Jackbox Gamenight! Lets check it out!

Tuesday AMERICA Cinema Takeover


Shoutout to Grayskull for having the best outfit for this takeover!

Wednesday AMERICA U-LEAD Event


Thursday AMERICA Rainy Day Takeover


Friday AUSIA Space Takeover


What another great week for the Water Vikings! Next week we are having a battle so make sure to save the date and recruit new people into the army! There will also be an Art Contest, and lots more gamenights! Thank you everyone who attended this week!

Rye Bread ༄

[US] Fangs For The Memories

Hey there, WeeVees! Today, October 26th, we logged onto CPA Battlegrounds – Ice Breaker, dressed up as vampires to spread the spooky charm on the island, given that it’s Halloween soon! Surprisingly, we didn’t suck at all, and might I say, that it was a fang-tastic event at the Iceberg! (please appreciate the puns :D) Thank you to all the Vampire Vikings who made it today, and shoutout to Dino for taking pictures! We have a Halloween meet-up with the army community, called the Monster Mash that is coming up this Sunday, for which we are going to train on Saturday! Make sure to check out the channels for the same, and react there if you can attend – Monster Mash Training & Monster Mash Battle

Max: 20

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[EU] Halloween Is On It’s Way

Hey there, WeeVees! Today, October 22nd, we logged onto CPA Battlegrounds – Ice Breaker, for an EU Training Session! We all gathered inside the Mine where we practiced bombs and formations, focusing on our speed throughout. Thank you to everyone who joined us in training, and a shoutout to Claire, ABeeInATree, Holly, and Dino for taking pictures today! Make sure to check the practice battle that we have tomorrow with our lovely allies, the Ice Warriors, and react in the channel if you can make it – Green Clown Practice Battle vs. Ice Warriors

Max: 21

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[US] Our Gourd Luck Charm

Hey there, WeeVees! Today, October 19th, we logged onto CPA Battlegrounds – Ice Breaker, for a Pumpkin Takeover Event to practice formations and speed at the Docks! We all looked gourdgeous today with our pumpkin heads on, and thank you to everyone who could make it to the training! A shoutout to Claire, Dino, and Jojo Teri who took pictures of today’s event! Make sure to check out the upcoming event that we have, and react in the channel if you can make it – Snow Forts Training.

Max: 21

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[EU] The V In WV Stands For Victory!

Hey there, WeeVees! Today, October 8th, we logged onto CPA Battlegrounds – Ice Breaker, for the Legends Cup Semi-final round against the Army of Club Penguin. We all gathered at the Iceberg for a warmup session, before meeting our opponent at the Snow Forts, battling it out there, at the Dojo, and finally ending our battle at the Iceberg. According to the Judges’ verdict, we won the first two rooms, and tied for the final room, eventually winning the entire battle! Congratulations Weevees and a big thank you to everyone who showed up and helped us get this victory! Indeed, this would not have been possible without you all. Well done to the Army of Club Penguin for putting up a great fight and making this a fun battle, and thank you to the judges for refereeing this battle. Lastly, a huge shoutout and thanks to Dino, Mare, and Pingo for taking pictures today, and to Dragon, for recording the battle. Let us all keep up the good work, and I bet Legend Cup will be ours! The finals will be happening sometime next week, so do keep a lookout for when the event has been announced!


Max: 41

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[EU] Water Vikings Seize Toboggan from SWAT

[EU] Water Vikings Seize Toboggan from SWAT
August 29th, 2022
Led by Aaronstone
Post Written by Dino


Hilsener, WV!

Today we logged onto Battleground, CPABattleground, for an EU invasion of Special Weapons & Tactics‘ server Toboggan! Like last battle, SWAT pussied out. We successfully invaded SWAT. Make sure to attend Tuesday’s defense, though! SWAT is planning a comeback. Let’s send them packing tomorrow!

[Maximum Peak] 30
Authenic Peak] 20



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[EU] Invasion of Breeze

Hey Vikings! Today on August 26, 2022, we had our first invasion against the war with SWAT and took their territory, Breeze, with success! We headed to the Stadium where we showed the judges that we were serious during this war, and ultimately SWAT did not show up, giving us the first win of this war!

Max: 38

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[EU] May The Force Be With You!

Hello Water Vikings!! 

Today, July 5th, 2022, we logged on to CPA BattlegroundsIce Breaker, to have a superb Star Wars takeover event!

All of our Jedi, Sith Lords, Princess Leia’s, Han Solo’s, Stormtroopers, Chewbaccas, and other characters invaded the Iceberg in a quest to bring peace to the galaxy.  (No, we couldn’t locate the death star to destroy it sadly.) Continue reading

[EU] End-of-Week Practice Battle with SWAT

[EU] End-of-Week Practice Battle with SWAT
June 11th, 2022
Led by Guncotton and Aaronstone
Post Written by Dino


Hilsener, WV!

Today we logged onto Klondike, CPABattleground, for an EU battle against the Special Weapons & Tactics army! We did a very good job showing all the progress from this week. While we were far from our original goal (due to the battle being rescheduled), we still maintained a very good max. Thank you all who attended, and stay tuned for our next event!

[Maximum Peak] 23 (no change from last event)
Authenic Peak] 23 (⭡1 from last event)
[Average Size] 17 (↓4 from last event)


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[EU] Scavenger Challenge Goes South

[EU] Scavenger Challenge Goes South
May 22nd, 2022
Led by Aaronstone and Guncotton
Post Written by Dino


Hilsener, WV!

Today we logged onto Klondike, CPABattleground, for an EU battle against the Templars of Club Penguin in the Scavenger Challenge tournament. Unfortunately, we did not lose as we chose to forfeit due to the horrendous lag on CPABattleground. Regardless, though, we maxed 26 with no allies today in the pre-event and did excellent tactics. Thank you to ALL who attended today!

[Maximum Peak] 26 (⭡1 from last event)
Authenic Peak] 26 (⭡6 from last event)
[Average Size] N/A (no consistent average due to crashing/lagging)

[bg_collapse view=”button-blue” color=”#fff” expand_text=”Click to See Attendees” collapse_text=”Click to Hide Attendees” ](Viking Commander) Aaronstone | Aaronstone
(Viking Commander) Pjayo | Pjayo
(Viking Commander) Pydro | Pydro
(Viking Commander) Guncotton | Guncotton
(Viking Commander) Buddy | Buddy
(Vice Commander) Dino | Dino
(Vice Commander) John Doe | John Doe
(Vice Commander) Mabel | Mabel
(Vice Commander) Chey | Chey
(Viking General) Claire | Claire
(Viking General) Tia | Tia.
(Viking Lord) Pogchampo | Pogchampo
(Viking Lord) Velia | beanerina
(Viking Lord) Pixie Prizzy | Pixie_Prizzy
(HCOM-in-Training) Gary The Great | Gary_The_Gr8
(HCOM-in-Training) Paddy | Paddy
(Viking Warrior) WolfPlay013 | WolfPlay013
(Viking Warrior) Chris | Chris
(Staff-in-Training) Pingoboiii | Pingoboiii
(Staff-in-Training) Sip | sipper
(Viking Major)
(Viking Soldier) Savant | Savant
(Panel of Guardians) Change | Change
(Retired) Misty | Misty
(Retired) Villa | Villa
+ others which cannot be identified due to the chatbar blocking their names.




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