• Welcome to WV! We are the strongest, multi-divisional army. We have soldiers from all over the world and we need YOU! Join our Discord and represent your continent on the battlefield! You'll be part of the most legendary organization in Club Penguin History. FEAR THE WAVE! ~Water Vikings Leaders

[AM] Battle Training Event – 03/25/25

Hola, Water Vikings! 

Today at 01:00 UTC, we logged on for a training in preparation for our battle against the Rebel Penguin Federation this weekend coming. We practiced some major formations across the Iceberg, Docks, and Cove! We had a lot of fun and performed quite well, despite being a little sleepy due to the time. Great stuff guys, keep up the great work.

MAX: 23| AVG: 18

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CPJ Catalog Secrets ༄ March 2025

FROSTBITE, Water Vikings Capital — Welcome back Vikings to another edition of CPJ Catalog Secrets! This catalog is jam-packed with secret items, in preparation for the Puffle Party! Additionally, this article includes more secrets from the February catalog! Lets see what secrets we can find!

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|| Water Vikings Presents || March Madness: OCEAN STEADFAST


Around this time last year, we here at the Water Vikings successfully won our first ever March Madness tournament, March Madness IX, after many years of being snubbed of victory due to external factors outside of our control. For the first time in our history, we finally outdid our main March Madness competitor (and brother-ally), the Rebel Penguin Federation. This victory was not only filled with unexpected moments (such as maxing over 60), but was one of our greatest feats since the Water Vikings revival for the CPPS generation back in 2020. Indeed, the victory will forever be cherished as one of our best moments, and a great moment for the year of 2024 itself. 

Just last month, Club Penguin Armies announced yet another rendition of the March Madness tournament – March Madness X. All of us here at the High Command of the Water Vikings are eager to defend our title as the March Madness champions for yet another year. To be able to consecutively win March Madness two years in a row, against all odds, would be nothing short of an amazing feat. In our journey to achieve this feat, we want all to take part and bring us to yet another year of victory!

So, at the drawing boards, we thought to ourselves – “what can we do to make March Madness truly ours“. To answer that, we here at the High Command of the Water Vikings are proud to present – March Madness: Ocean Steadfast.

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[AM] Fast Food Takeover – 12/10/24

Goodnight, Water Vikings! 

Today at 0:00 UTC, we logged on for our Fast Food Takeover on Club Penguin. Aaronstone42, the current owner of Water Vikings, was very hungry and he needed to be fed. To solve this, we ran a charity event where every successful formation executed in 10 seconds would result in a McDouble from the local McDonald’s being fed to Aaronstone. If the troops failed to do so, we allowed them to donate a cheeseburger if they could make it successfully during a retry in only 5 seconds. The event had a rocky start, but at the end, with a little help from our friends, we managed to have one of our best formation trainings to date! We practice in the Snow Forts and the Dojo.

MAX: 20| AVG: 17

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[AM] Catchin’ Waves Tournament – 12/09/24

Goodnight, Water Vikings! 

Yesterday at 0:00 UTC, we logged on for our Catchin’ Waves Tournament on Club Penguin! Catchin’ Waves is a surfing game on Club Penguin where you are to avoid being washed out by the waves and perform tricks. Several of us competed, but only one came out victorious. Read below for the winner and pictures!

MAX: 16 | AVG: N/A

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[EU] Fashion Show

Salute, Water Vikings!

On the 4rd of December we logged on 4pm EST onto Ice Breaker, Stadium – CPABattleground for our Fashion Show. The fashions Show event consister of 3 themes, RETRO, Hawaiian and Christmas Vikings. The winners of the games and their uniforms are shown on the event pics below!

MAX: 16

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[AM] Villain Takeover – 12/01/24

Goodnight, Water Vikings! 

Today at 01:00 UTC, we logged on for the Villain Takeover as a part of our American Division. For the takeover, we decided to dressed up as popular villains throughout history in media; examples include Caesar, Darth Vader, and mainly the A-Bomb outfit from the 2013 Marvel Takeover. Rather than just training in a traditional sense, we essentially roleplayed landing at the Docks and attacked each room all the way until the Cove, doing various tricky and ideal formations along the way, doing our best to maximize our potential with the size that we had. In a few rooms, such as the Forest and Cove, we challenged our abilities overall by really pushing the limits. Overall, the event went very well and I am happy with the results of the formations and tactics. Read on for pictures!

MAX: 16 | AVG: 10

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[AM] Piss Takeover – 11/30/24

Good afternoon, Water Vikings!

Today at 01:00 UTC, we logged on Club Penguin Army Battleground for our pee Yellow Takeover event! We had a little fun time goofing off and relaxing, but also held a little bit of a training event. We logged off a little early because it is Saturday and we deserved a nice little break after our exhausting war against SWAT. Read on for pics.

MAX: 17 | AVG: 13

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Behind The Scenes » Claire

Welcome to a new edition of Ocean Oracle! In this edition, we are interviewing one of our dear leaders, Claire! Claire joined the Vikings in September of 2020, recruited by Hydro! Let’s first go over a little bit of information on Claire before we get to the interview!

Claire at an event in June 2022

Recent Beach Brawl battle with the Winged Hussars, led by Claire

She has been with us since then, even making her way to being one of the army leaders, becoming one in July 2023! With such position, she led many events like the two pictured above! I took to her DMs and asked her many questions! Here they are below!

Could you tell me about your Army History?

Claire: Get your seats cause it’s a long story! I got recruited in 2020 by Hydro in the CPRewritten server, and after joining I thought that the community was pretty cool straight away, it was the golden CPPS era of WV, maxing 30+ every event and it was an amazing time.
I ranked up quickly until I got what would be Staff In Training today (the rank was called Trainee) and I stayed there for a good while since I didn’t have the time and didn’t understand what Club Penguin Armies actually meant, because although I played the original Club Penguin for years in my childhood, I never knew about the army community. After some months, I started pitching in more and also ranked up quickly from there, was a good recruiter and a good welcomer, soon I got HCOM and ranked up to 2ic. By this time I was already really involved in WV, leading events, doing what a mod needed to do and all this stuff and that lead me to being a leader after 3 years of service.
In July of 2023 I got promoted to Commander and since then I’ve been doing my best for the Water Vikings, I’ve lead with Mabel, Dino, Cabin, JoJoTeri, Mei and I’m currently leading with RyeBread. I’m not much aware of armies history specially because I’m from the CPPS era, but I’ve been joining more in the army community since I’ve became a leader and that lead me to doing much more than before.
I don’t know how long I’ll stay because you can’t predict the future, but I can say for sure that I wanna stay as long as possible, WV is a family for me and that’s why I never joined another army or even took a break in those 4 years, I’ve been loyal since forever to this army and I want to achieve great things cause I’ve seen it and I’m more than sure we can do it now.

What is your favorite game to play on Club Penguin?

Claire: That’s a difficult question because I have a lot of good memories with all the original Club Penguin games. I could say my favorite ones were Aqua Gabber at the Iceberg, Dance Contest at the Night Club and maybe even Ice Fishing. What I really loved tho was the EPF themed missions, the ones that had an event in the whole island and stuff, that was my thing!

What are your hobbies outside of CPA?

Claire: I have some actually! In general I’m a really artistic person, I dance, sing, write, draw, paint, play acoustic guitar and some other stuff. I’ve done much things from swimming to playing American Football, from cheerleading to taking singing lessons but I’m currently dancing ballet for some time now.

What are some of your favorite moments that have happened this year?

Claire: That is a difficult question as well, LOL! I think I don’t have big favorite events that happened this year, but I do love the small and tender moments I keep deep in my heart, our own community stuff, even the memes in WV or just fun events, you know what I mean? The Starboarders and Scrapbook really go through my favorite stuff in the army because this sense of home and family is always my goal and it’s what I feel around here.

What do you want to accomplish in WV by the end of the year?

Claire: I want us to be major again, rebuild the army and make it as great as I see it. The leadership is working hard for that to happen and I’m sure we will accomplish this goal. I need to say tho that my main goal has always been making WV a family and safe haven, have everyone to be listened and feel cared about and i want to increase that sense in people.

What’s your favorite TV show/movie right now?

Claire: I’ve just started watching The Witcher and I’ve been liking it a lot, I got a bit demotivated after getting to know that the main actor which is Henry Cavil will leave his role in the show to Liam Hemsworth and I don’t the idea at all. I think I’ll still watch it at least until he leaves the show and then we’ll see what comes forward LOL

As one can see, Claire is one of many interests and hobbies! She does a lot in her free time while being one of the army leaders! Thank you for reading this edition of Ocean Oracle! With love and peace, I’m signing off!

Weekly Recap August 25th – 31st


Hello Mighty Vikings! Gather around the shore cause today we will have one more week in review of the Water Vikings army!
This week we mainly had training events for the Beach Brawl Tournament! Which happened on the 31st of August where we battled the Winged Hussars and SPOILER ALLERT! We won!
We had 7 events this weeks in total, including:

1 Teen Beach Movie Night
1 Roblox Gamenight
and the main ones…
3 CPABattleground events
1 CPJourney event
1 CPArmies Tournament

Let’s check it all out!

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