• Welcome to WV! We are the strongest, multi-divisional army. We have soldiers from all over the world and we need YOU! Join our Discord and represent your continent on the battlefield! You'll be part of the most legendary organization in Club Penguin History. FEAR THE WAVE! ~Water Vikings Leaders

Top Ten Troops [16-05-21]

FROSTBITE, Water Vikings Capital –  This week’s edition of the Top Ten Troops of Water Vikings is finally here, and yet again showcases the skill and dedication of numerous members of our Moderator team, read on to see if you made it!

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Critic’s Corner: “Dating Around”

“I chew really loud, and that’s because I enjoy the food.” – Tiffany
As I witness Tiffany mowing down on her pasta and smacking her lips to “taste the spices,” it provides me a reminiscence of what makes dating great: meeting new people, some normal, some not-so-normal, and some just downright insane (please, Tiffany, close your damn mouth). There are plenty of awkward moments that make me cringe off the bed, such as when Ben (protect this man at all costs PLEASE) gets friend-zoned into another galaxy. Sarah’s downright insanity becoming evident as the episode progresses is incredibly entertaining to watch, as seen in this quote here: “I’m gonna give you a piece of advice and that is DON’T EVER TELL A WOMAN TO RELAX.”
All jokes aside here, this show is unique in that it does not fit the typical dating show’s stereotype. When we think of a dating show, we think of clean-cut straight white men and women in their mid-20’s searching for love. This show adds so much spice to the dating show scene, with episodes featuring an older widower, a divorced Indian-American woman, and several different gay, lesbian, and bisexual people.
In essence, Sarah is insane, Ben is the real-life version of George McFly, Lex is an absolute stud, and Leonard may be one of the funniest men alive. Keep in mind that dating is not allowed within Water Vikings, and if you do, it’s probably cringer than anything you’ll watch on this series since most of you lot have no idea how to talk to someone you’re interested in. In conclusion, when we have a viewing session of this show, definitely come give it a watch, as you will be cringing for the entire duration of the episode but its strange allure will have you coming back for more.
Overall Rating: 7.3/10

Mountain Expedition Party

FROSTBITE, Water Vikings Capital – Hey Vikings! Welcome to another edition of the Ocean Oracle! The CPR Mountain Expeditional Party is out now, and today we bring you a guide on how to get its new items, stamps, and a walk through the expedition.

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Pacifism in CPA – a rant

SLIPPERS, Former Viking Leaders Home – Hello Everyone! This post will be a bit different from the usual ones you’ll find in this lovely Ocean Oracle. This will basically just be a short version of me ranting and raving and complaining.

Disclaimer: This post expresses the personal opinion of the writer. These views do not represent the standing of WV as a whole on the matters they address. 

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This Week in CP Armies: World Wars I, II & III

HOT CHOCOLATE, Foreign Affairs – Hello everyone! Welcome to the first edition of This Week in CP Armies. This series of posts will cover numerous moments of the army community since its beginning to the present days.

This week, we will look into the three first ever Club Penguin World Wars. World Wars I, II & III were crucial to the development of warfare in CP Armies. Find out more about these wars, each one covered by one of us (df44, WWI; Chey, WWII & Claire, WWIII). And check out the special interview with an army veteran that participated in World War III.
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April Catalog Secrets!

FROSTBITE, Water Vikings Capital – Hey Water Vikings! Some of you may know about the Viking helmet being a hidden item, but today I am going through the catalog, revealing EVERY HIDDEN ITEM! Read on for tons of secrets in the April 2021 catalog, some are even FREE!

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The Ocean Oracle: New beginnings

HOT CHOCOLATE, Foreign Affairs – Hey there! Welcome to the special and first edition of The Ocean Oracle. \ (•◡•) /

The Ocean Oracle has arrived to be the Water Vikings news and entertainment bulletin. Every week we will be doing interviews, talking about interesting topics not only concerning to WV but also to the whole army community as well as fun posts about CPR game updates and much more.

Without further ado, I am here to talk about friendship and community. Last month we established a new brother alliance with the Silver Empire (SE), and as they have just completed their 1 year anniversary I am bringing you their history and an exclusive interview.

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Introducing The Ocean Oracle

FROSTBITE, Water Vikings Capital – On behalf of the Water Vikings Higher Command, I am excited to announce that after weeks of planning we have decided to launch our very own news and updates organisation called the Ocean Oracle.

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