• Welcome to WV! We are the strongest, multi-divisional army. We have soldiers from all over the world and we need YOU! Join our Discord and represent your continent on the battlefield! You'll be part of the most legendary organization in Club Penguin History. FEAR THE WAVE! ~Water Vikings Leaders

[EU] Saturday DV Battle

Hey WV

We have a battle vs. the Dark Vikings army today. Due to poor planning on our part, it was rough to say the least. We still had some fun later on. Let’s make sure to improve from here WV.

MAX: 12


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[EU] WV Shows Off Its Fashion!

[EU] WV Shows Off Its Fashion!
January 21st, 2023
Led by Dino
Post Written by Dino


Hilsener, WV!

Today we logged onto Ice Breaker, CPABattleground, for an EU fashion contest! Whilst at first there wasn’t a lot of people online, we were able to eventually crack 20! A lot of new troops also took part such as sarah! and Waffledog. Some other members who haven’t been active in a while such as Marnie and demon slayer joined in. Overall this event was great. Good job, WV.

[Maximum Peak] 20
Authenic (without allies) Peak] 16


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A Letter to the Administration

I’m not going to do anything super formal because that is not my intention. In fact, the intention of this post is not meant to “pussy out” of the war; we will still be glad to face them if the Administration sides with TCP.

TCP’s declaration of war was posted April 30th, 2022. This post has been public since. However, in spite of that, WV and TCP have not had any formal hostilities. The two were technically allies during the Second Eagre Foray. It is safe to assume the original war has ceased.

Under Club Penguin Armies’ map rules:

A war must include a legitimate declaration outlining the terms, and at least one invasion carried out (this includes if one side no-shows). The final decision will be up to the judgement of the administration, who will review the war if its legitimacy is being questioned by more than one member of the board.

The question is: can they re-use the same declaration post? This is arguably not a legitimate declaration. While true that the leadership has re-signed off on a declaration, that does that mean that is an entirely different declaration from April (and we’ve already established that the war has ended). No invasions have been carried out (both in April and now).

In the situation that the Administration rules in our favor, we are re-declaring war under our own terms:

  1. No server transfers.
  2. All of the CPA league’s map rules apply.
  3. Battles must be scheduled at least 24 hours in advance.
  4. No multilogging, doxxing, hacking, swatting, etc. allowed in this war.
  5. All battles must be judged by CPA league/CPAJ officiated judges.
  6. No army can merge into Water Vikings or Templars after this declaration (until this war is over) and the merger will be deemed invalid. If members of said merged army decide to participate, the battle will result in the unconditional surrender of the aggressor.
  7. The losing army in this conflict must accept the terms of a treaty imposed by the winning side.
  8. A withdrawal from this conflict for any reason in any form [e.g. withdrawing from the server map, withdrawing from the CPA league, etc.] will constitute a forfeit of the war.
  9. Any evidence of a breach in these terms will result in an instant defeat of the aggressor in the battles where said evidence would be found, and the war if continuous disregard for these terms is shown [subject to the interpretation of the CPA league administration].
  10. If any other armies declare on Water Vikings or Templars and join this war, these exact terms must be applied with no additional terms added or any terms removed

~ Dino

EDIT: Templars have accepted our terms for the war. (EXPORT)


[EU] Water Vikings Seize Toboggan from SWAT

[EU] Water Vikings Seize Toboggan from SWAT
August 29th, 2022
Led by Aaronstone
Post Written by Dino


Hilsener, WV!

Today we logged onto Battleground, CPABattleground, for an EU invasion of Special Weapons & Tactics‘ server Toboggan! Like last battle, SWAT pussied out. We successfully invaded SWAT. Make sure to attend Tuesday’s defense, though! SWAT is planning a comeback. Let’s send them packing tomorrow!

[Maximum Peak] 30
Authenic Peak] 20



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[EU] End-of-Week Practice Battle with SWAT

[EU] End-of-Week Practice Battle with SWAT
June 11th, 2022
Led by Guncotton and Aaronstone
Post Written by Dino


Hilsener, WV!

Today we logged onto Klondike, CPABattleground, for an EU battle against the Special Weapons & Tactics army! We did a very good job showing all the progress from this week. While we were far from our original goal (due to the battle being rescheduled), we still maintained a very good max. Thank you all who attended, and stay tuned for our next event!

[Maximum Peak] 23 (no change from last event)
Authenic Peak] 23 (⭡1 from last event)
[Average Size] 17 (↓4 from last event)


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[EU] WV Kickstars Summer Growth Project

[EU] WV Kickstarts Summer Growth Project
June 6th, 2022
Led by Guncotton (+ troop guest leaders)
Post Written by Dino


Hilsener, WV!

Today we logged onto Ice Breaker, CPABattleground, for an EU event for a fun U-Lead and to practice our bombs. The event was a big success, with only ally attending from a total max of 23. Tomorrow we will be practicing formations and will need you all to be there. We want to be prepared in case any issues pop up in any future battles. Make sure to check #formation-training for more information on that. Let’s continue the drive, WV! Cheers.

[Maximum Peak] 23 (⭡2 from last event)
Authenic Peak] 22 (⭡4 from last event)
[Average Size] 21 (⭡2 from last event)

[bg_collapse view=”button-blue” color=”#fff” expand_text=”Click to See Attendees” collapse_text=”Click to Hide Attendees” ](Viking Commander) Aaronstone | Aaronstone
(Viking Commander) Pydro | Pydro
(Viking Commander) Guncotton | Guncotton
(Vice Commander) Dino | Dino
(Vice Commander) Mabel | Mabel
(Vice Commander) John Doe | John Doe
(Vice Commander) Chey | Chey
(Viking General) Claire | Claire
(Viking Lord) Pogchampo | pogchampo
(Viking Lord) Paragon9 | Paragon9
(Viking Lord) Paddy | Paddy
(Viking Lord) Disha | Disha
(Viking Lord) Velia | beanerina
(HCOM-in-Training) Cait | Tilly1188
(Viking Guard) SickSeal | SickSeal
(Viking Warrior) WolfPlay | wolfplay013
(Viking Warrior) Chris | Chris
(Viking Warrior) Pingoboiii | Pingoboiii
(Viking Navy Officer) Drones | Dronesboi27
(Viking Sailor) TimingEKKO | TimingEKKO
(Viking Soldier) Mallory | MalloryDream
(Ice Warriors) Freedomist | Freedomist
(Advisor) Leo | Leo.
(Advisor) Holly | Holly
(Retired) VioletaRM |



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[EU] Scavenger Challenge Goes South

[EU] Scavenger Challenge Goes South
May 22nd, 2022
Led by Aaronstone and Guncotton
Post Written by Dino


Hilsener, WV!

Today we logged onto Klondike, CPABattleground, for an EU battle against the Templars of Club Penguin in the Scavenger Challenge tournament. Unfortunately, we did not lose as we chose to forfeit due to the horrendous lag on CPABattleground. Regardless, though, we maxed 26 with no allies today in the pre-event and did excellent tactics. Thank you to ALL who attended today!

[Maximum Peak] 26 (⭡1 from last event)
Authenic Peak] 26 (⭡6 from last event)
[Average Size] N/A (no consistent average due to crashing/lagging)

[bg_collapse view=”button-blue” color=”#fff” expand_text=”Click to See Attendees” collapse_text=”Click to Hide Attendees” ](Viking Commander) Aaronstone | Aaronstone
(Viking Commander) Pjayo | Pjayo
(Viking Commander) Pydro | Pydro
(Viking Commander) Guncotton | Guncotton
(Viking Commander) Buddy | Buddy
(Vice Commander) Dino | Dino
(Vice Commander) John Doe | John Doe
(Vice Commander) Mabel | Mabel
(Vice Commander) Chey | Chey
(Viking General) Claire | Claire
(Viking General) Tia | Tia.
(Viking Lord) Pogchampo | Pogchampo
(Viking Lord) Velia | beanerina
(Viking Lord) Pixie Prizzy | Pixie_Prizzy
(HCOM-in-Training) Gary The Great | Gary_The_Gr8
(HCOM-in-Training) Paddy | Paddy
(Viking Warrior) WolfPlay013 | WolfPlay013
(Viking Warrior) Chris | Chris
(Staff-in-Training) Pingoboiii | Pingoboiii
(Staff-in-Training) Sip | sipper
(Viking Major)
(Viking Soldier) Savant | Savant
(Panel of Guardians) Change | Change
(Retired) Misty | Misty
(Retired) Villa | Villa
+ others which cannot be identified due to the chatbar blocking their names.




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[EU] The Water Vikings Prepare for the Scavenger Challenge

[EU] he Water Vikings Prepare for the Scavenger Challenge
May 21st, 2022
Led by Aaronstone and Guncotton
Post Written by Dino


Hilsener, WV!

Today we logged onto Ice Breaker, CPABattleground, for an EU training session to prepare for the Scavenger Challenge scheduled for tomorrow. We practiced different types of bombs to help boost creativity. We did very well today and had arguably our best performance this week. Congratulations to Savant and Alexx on their promotions to Viking Sailor and great job, WV! Make sure to react in #battle-vs-templars if you can attend tomorrow’s big battle!

[Maximum Peak] 25 (No difference from last event)
Authenic Peak] 20 (⭡2 from last event)
[Average Size] 23 (⭡1 from last event)

[bg_collapse view=”button-blue” color=”#fff” expand_text=”Click to See Attendees” collapse_text=”Click to Hide Attendees” ](Viking Commander) Aaronstone | Aaronstone
(Viking Commander) Pjayo | Pjayo
(Viking Commander) Pydro | Pydro
(Viking Commander) Guncotton | Guncotton
(Viking Commander) Buddy | Buddy
(Vice Commander) Dino | Dino
(Vice Commander) John Doe | John Doe
(Vice Commander) Mabel | Mabel
(Vice Commander) Chey | Chey
(Viking General) Claire | Claire
(Viking General) Tia | Tia.
(Viking Lord) Velia | beanerina
(HCOM-in-Training) Raven | Raven
(Viking Warrior) Lukey | Lukey
(Viking Warrior) Chris | Chris
(Viking Soldier) Savant | Savant
(Viking Soldier) Alexx | alexx!!
(Ice Warriors) Kally | Kally
(Ice Warriors) DrQueen | DrQueen
(Ice Warriors) lost30europe | lost30europe
(Ice Warriors) HeadChicken | HeadChicken
(Silver Empire) Disha | Disha
(Special Weapons and Tactics) G90sWife | G90sWife
(Retired) VioletaRM | VioletaRM
(Neutral) LoboBranco | LoboBranco




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[EU] WV Gears Up With EU Training!

[EU] WV Gears Up With EU Training!
May 17th, 2022
Led by Aaronstone
Post Written by Dino


Hilsener, WV!

Today we logged onto Ice Breaker, CPABattleground, for an EU training session to practice working on bombings. The training went very well, with improvements in scattering. In our next training event, we will continue to flesh out the scattering and improve the plus formation. Make sure to check #event-information for more information on that, and get ready for Saturday’s Scavenger Challenge! Cheers!

[Maximum Peak] 24 (⭡3 from last event)
Authenic Peak] 22 (⭡5 from last event)
[Average Size] 22 (N/A from last event)

[bg_collapse view=”button-blue” color=”#fff” expand_text=”Click to See Attendees” collapse_text=”Click to Hide Attendees” ](Viking Commander) Aaronstone | Aaronstone
(Viking Commander) Pjayo | Pjayo
(Viking Commander) Pydro | Pydro
(Viking Commander) Guncotton | Guncotton
(Vice Commander) Dino | Dino
(Viking General) Claire | Claire
(Viking General) Tia | Tia.
(Viking General) Shira | shirak604
(Viking Lord) Pogchampo | pogchampo
(Viking Lord) Izuno | 4207b
(Viking Lord) Paddy | Paddy
(Viking Lord) Paragon | paragon9
(Viking Lord) Velia | beanerina
(HCOM-in-Training) Lunarism | Lunarism
(HCOM-in-Training) Raven | Raven
(Viking Warrior) WolfPlay | wolfplay013
(Viking Warrior) Chris | Chris
(Staff-in-Training) Rohan | RohanS
(Staff-in-Training) Pingoboiii | Pingoboiii
(Staff-in-Training) Sip | sipper
(Viking Major) Aphrodite | Aphrodite
(Viking Sailor) DaMemer | DaMemer
(Ice Warriors) IceQueen | IceQueen1020
(Silver Empire) Cait | Tilly1188
(Retired) Misty | Misty



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Top Ten Troops [5/8/22-5/14/2022]

Ocean Oracle Logo of the Top Ten Troops


Addressed to the USWV,

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