Hi Vikings! Today, August 2nd, we logged on to CPA Battlegrounds, server Ice Breaker, room Iceberg to show everybody our favorite foods! We dressed up as delicious apples, pizzas, strawberries, oranges, candies and a bunch of other yummy foods and practiced neat formations and massive bombs. It was an appetizing event and due to our big max we had a nitro giveaway 😮
Thanks to all the people who joined us! Make sure to keep an eye open for our upcoming events: Ausia U-Lead and the great Battle vs Ice Warriors! You don’t wanna miss out, gonna be fun!
Max: 26
Filed under: EU, Event Posts, Water Viking Training Regiment, water vikings, water vikings of cp, water vikings of cpr | Tagged: battle, blue penguins, blue penguins cp, club penguin, club penguin rewritten, cp vikings, cp water vikings, CPAB, cpr, cpr vikings, cpr water vikings, discord, EU, EU Battle Training, EU Events, EU Training Events, water vikings cp, Water Vikings CPR, water vikings of cp, Water Vikings Training Event, wv, wvofcp | Leave a comment »