• Welcome to WV! We are the strongest, multi-divisional army. We have soldiers from all over the world and we need YOU! Join our Discord and represent your continent on the battlefield! You'll be part of the most legendary organization in Club Penguin History. FEAR THE WAVE! ~Water Vikings Leaders

[EU] Mystery Event

HEYYYY THERE VIKINGS!!!! Today we logged onto CPA Battlegrounds – Ice Breaker for a MYSTERY EVENT!!!!! We started off the event at Ice Berg, before heading over to Stadium and eventually waddling our way over to the Snow Forts!

Max: 26

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[EU] Legend’s Cup here we come!

Hey there, Water Vikings! Today, July 18th, we logged on to CP Army Battlegrounds, server Ice breaker for an EU event, the Legend’s Cup Training! We sticked together at the Iceberg and Stadium where we practiced massive bombs and clean formations. Thanks to everybody who attended, due to our big size we had 2 nitro giveaways! Be sure to check out the event we have tomorrow, with a MYSTERY THEME 😮 you don’t wanna miss it, gonna be fun indeed!

Max: 30

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[Ocean Oracle] Frostbite Observer || 07/10 – 07/16

Frostbite, Ocean Oracle HQ ─ Welcome to the Frostbite Observer!

It’s already the middle of July! Did you know Frostbite Observer has been going on for almost 2 months now? It’s gone by fast!

In this post we’ll be focusing on the 5 events we had throughout the week! All from AUSIA’s to EU’s and even a US event!

But before we start the post, congratulations to the following who’ve been promoted:

Now onto the post!!!

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Today we logged onto Ice Breaker– CPA Battleground for our EU event. We hosted a U-Lead event. During the event we practised tremedious tactics, quick forms and in-sync bombs. You all looked amazing! Great work today. FEAR THE WAVE!

MAX: 24

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[AUSIA] Coolguy Be Pretty Cool

Hey there, WeeVees! Today, July 17th, we logged onto CPA Battlegrounds – Ice Breaker, for an AUSIA Training Session! We all gathered at the Iceberg where we practiced some bombs and formations. Thank you to everyone who came today, and thanks to Claire, Aphrodite, Pingo, Coolguy, Aaron, Pydro, and Xnovier who took pictures of today’s event! Make sure to check out the event that we have later today – Sunday Funday!

Max: 16

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[EU] The Lag Be Bad For Real

Hey there, WeeVees! Today, July 14th, we logged onto CPA Battlegrounds – Ice Breaker, to train for the upcoming tournament, Legends Cup! We gathered at the Iceberg where we practiced some bombs and formations. Despite the lag, I think we did a great job, so congrats everyone, and thank you all for coming! Thank you to Chase, Pog, and Dino who took pictures of today’s event! Make sure to check out our upcoming events – AUSIA Training and Sunday Funday.

Max: 20

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[US] Practice Training

Helllooooo Vikings! Today on July 15, 2022, we logged onto CPA Battlegrounds – Ice Breaker to have some practice training! We first started off in the Ice Berg, then moved to Stadium where we practiced some emote tactics, before heading off to Snow Forts to finish the training off with some (unsuccessful) word tactics and a few forms!

Max: 21

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[EU] Mabel’s SEAL Of Approval

Hey there, WeeVees! Today, July 14th, we logged onto CPA Battlegrounds – Ice Breaker, for our very own Mabel’s first led event. I am sure we can all agree that she did a splendid job at leading, and deserves the SEAL of Approval, wholeheartedly! (insert Seal Emote here). We all gathered at the Iceberg before we went to the Cove, and finally, the Stadium, where we ended our event. It was a great event, and thank you to everyone who came today! Thank you to Claire, Paddy, Pog, Cotton, Dino, and Seo Stark for taking pictures of today’s event. Make sure to check out the practice battle that we have tomorrow with the Magma Clan Battle vs. Magma Clan.

Max: 24

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[AUSIA] IceQueen Is The Real Elsa, Period

Hello there, WeeVees! Today, July 14th, we logged onto CPA Battlegrounds – Ice Breaker, for an AUSIA Training Session! We all gathered at the Iceberg where we practiced some bombs and formations. Thank you to everyone who came today! Make sure to check out the event that we have later today – Mabel leads her first event!

Max: 16

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[EU] Buddy Is A (Not So) Lovely Princess

Hey there, WeeVees! Today, July 12th, we logged onto CPA Battlegrounds – Ice Breaker, for a supposed practice battle – which just turned out to be another training session for us. We all gathered at the Iceberg, where we did some bombs and formations, and then practiced a room change going to the Snow Forts. Thank you to everyone who came today! Make sure to check out our upcoming events – Mabel (my homie) leads her first event, and AUSIA Training.

Max: 28

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