• Welcome to WV! We are the strongest, multi-divisional army. We have soldiers from all over the world and we need YOU! Join our Discord and represent your continent on the battlefield! You'll be part of the most legendary organization in Club Penguin History. FEAR THE WAVE! ~Water Vikings Leaders


Hey Vikings! Today, September 20th, we logged on to CPA Battlegrounds, server Ice Breaker, for an Mandalorian Takeover event! We all joined the Iceberg where we practiced some clean formations, great tactics and massive bombs. Thanks to everyone who attended today! Also thank you to Paddy and K90 for taking event pics. Make sure to keep an eye open for the upcoming events this week, gonna be fun ideed!

Max: 21

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[US] Puffle Roundup!

Hey Vikings! Today on September 17, 2022, we logged onto CPA Battlegrounds – Icebreaker for our Puffle Roundup Tournament event!

Max: 21

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[US] Meeting Our New Allies!

Hey there, WeeVees! Today, September 16th, we logged onto CPA Battlegrounds – Battleground, for a practice battle with our lovely new allies from the Help Force. We all gathered at the Iceberg before heading to the Snow Forts to meet them, and battling it out there, in the Stadium, and finally, returning to the Iceberg to end the battle. It was a great practice battle, and thank you to our allies for it! Thank you to everyone who could make it to this event, and a big shoutout to Dino, Mare, Aubz, and Jojo Teri for taking pictures today! Make sure to check out the fun tournament that we have planned for tomorrow, and react in the channel if you can attend – Puffle Roundup Tournament

Max: 23

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[US] Duck Party Event

Hey there Vikings! Today on CPA Battleground we had a Event at the Iceberg.

We waddled around in inflatable ducks! Some were either yellow, blue, or green

Was led by our newest leader Mabel, which she’s doing a fantastic job so far!

Tomorrow (Friday 16th) we have a Battle with Help Force, where we will aim to show our newest ally who’s boss!

Should be a lot of fun…

Hope to see you all there!

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[US] Extra Cheesy Pizza Takeover

Hey Vikings! Today on September 13, 2022 on CPA Battlegrounds – Icebreaker, we, the extra cheesy pizzas, escaped the Pizza Parlor and swam our way to the Iceberg for some fun practice training!

Max: 27

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[EU] Second Eagre Foray Victory Parade!

Hey Vikings!!! Today on September 10th, 2022, we logged onto CPA Battlegrounds – Icebreaker to celebrate our win against SWAT at our victory parade! This event was a really good event, as being lead by Pydro and me as the new leader! Continue reading to see the pictures! : D

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[US] Vikings Go For Cart Surfing

Hey there, WeeVees! Today, September 9th, we logged onto CPA Battlegrounds – Ice Breaker, for a Cart Surfing Tournament! We all gathered at the Iceberg before heading to Inside Mine, to surf those rails! Thank you to everyone who could make it to this event, and a big shoutout to Claire, Danny, and Josh for taking pictures today! Congratulations to Josh who won the tournament and Jojo Teri and Chey who bagged the second and third places, respectively! Thank you to all who participated in the game, and I hope you all had fun!
Make sure to check out the Victory Parade that we have tomorrow, and react in the channel if you can attend it – Second Eagre Foray Victory Parade

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[US] Mystery Game

Hey Vikings! Today on September 7th, 2022, we logged onto CPA Battlegrounds – Ice Breaker to have a quick event before our game of Hide n Seek which I respectfully won with 1st place… alongside with Holly and Aubz of course!

Max: 26

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[US] One More Marshmallow

Hey there, WeeVees! Today, September 5th, we logged onto CPA Battlegrounds – Battleground, for our 7th invasion against the Special Weapons and Tactics: Invasion of Marshmallow. We all gathered at the Iceberg before changing rooms to the Stadium. Once again, SWAT did not turn up, and we were successful in conquering more of their territory. Thank you to everyone who could make it to this invasion, and a big shoutout to Dino for taking pictures today! Make sure to check out the Mystery Event that we have on Wednesday, and react in the channel if you can make it – Mystery Event.

Max: 28

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[US] House of the Dragon

Hey there, WeeVees! Today, September 4th, we logged onto CPA Battlegrounds – Battleground, for our 6th invasion against the Special Weapons and Tactics: Invasion of Dragons’ Lair. We all gathered at the Iceberg before changing rooms to the Stadium. SWAT did not show up to the battle this time, and hence it was an easy win for us, whilst conquering more of their land. Thank you to everyone who could make it to this invasion, and a big shoutout to Paddy for taking pictures today! Make sure to check out the 7th invasion that we have against SWAT tomorrow, and react in the channel if you can make it – Invasion of Marshmallow.

Max: 28

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