• Welcome to WV! We are the strongest, multi-divisional army. We have soldiers from all over the world and we need YOU! Join our Discord and represent your continent on the battlefield! You'll be part of the most legendary organization in Club Penguin History. FEAR THE WAVE! ~Water Vikings Leaders

Saturday Extravaganza!! [EU]

Hey there Water Vikings!!
Today we logged onto Ice Breaker and went to the Snow Forts!
Today was a double whammy because we also had
our first AUSIA Division battle today with
RPF! We all want to welcome Guncotton back to
Water Viking leadership and want to thank
you for coming to the event today!
We had some special promotions today after the event
so shoutout to Sip, Paddy, and DaMemer for their hard work in Water Vikings!
See you next event! Continue reading

The Water Troops Takeover!!

Hey there Water Vikings!

Today we went back to our roots and transformed the
Water Vikings back into the Water Troops. We all logged onto
Klondike Snow Forts and had a bunch of fun while learning the
history of Water Vikings! Thanks for coming!
See you next time Vikings! Continue reading

The Star Wars Takeover Event!!

Hey there Water Vikings!

Today we logged onto Klondike and went to the Snow Forts. Today we saw
whether you were part of the Sith or the Jedi. Everyone dressed up as their
favorite Star Wars character since today is May the 4th. The amazing Silver Empire
joined us during the event and we had a little duel against them. Thanks to everyone that logged on!
See you next time!

Continue reading

Breaking Funks Out Of Prison! [US]

Hey Water Vikings!!

Today we logged onto Abominable and went to the Town to devise
our plan to break Funks out of prison since he committed tax evasion
multiple times. We soon went to the Night Club to dig under the ground
to the prison. Unfortunately, the guards saw us but fortunately thanks
to it being April Fool’s day we played it off as a joke and managed to get Funks
out of prison. Hopefully for the last time.
Thanks to everyone who logged on!
See you next time!

[Max: 27]

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Miner Takeover + Battle With Templars [US]

Hey there Water Vikings!!

Today we logged onto Abominable and began our hunt for gold in the Town until
we decided to go to the Ice Berg to look for buried treasure. Instead of treasure,
we found the Templars who had a surprise battle with us! Thanks to everyone
who logged on for today’s event!
See you next time! Continue reading

March Madness Round 1![EU]

Hey there Water Vikings!!

Today we logged onto Sleet and went to the Town and put on our war
paint for the battle! We went to the stadium and began sending our tactics faster
than ever before! The Day Warriors got so frightened they didn’t even show up!
Thanks to everyone that showed up!
See you next time WV!!

Continue reading

March Madness Training 2.0 [US]

Hey there Water Vikings!

Today we logged onto Abominable and went started in the town and began preparing
for this month’s madness AGAIN! We soon left and went to the Ice Berg with our fearless
HCOV Revan leading us. We then went to the Stadium with our amazing leader (and my sensei)
Aaron leading us. Thanks to everyone that logged on!
See you next time Water Vikings!! Continue reading

March Madness Training! [US]

Hey there Water Vikings!

Today we logged onto Abominable and went started in the town and began preparing
for this month’s madness! We soon left and went to the Snow Forts to ready our tactics
for the upcoming March Madness event! Thanks to everyone who logged on today!
See you next time Water Vikings!! Continue reading

The Fire Ninja Takeover! [EU]

Hey there Water Vikings!!

Today we logged onto Abominable and went to the Plaza to have our Spicy Fire Ninja Takeover!
We all put on our Fire suits which until now had been collecting dust and we started
getting ready for the Card Jitsu re-release coming this month!
Thanks to everyone that came to the event today!
See you next time Water Vikings!! Continue reading

Leprechaun Takeover [US]

Hey Water Vikings!!

Today we logged onto Abominable and went to the Town to have our
Leprechaun Takeover event! We all took off our blue uniforms and joined our
Leprechaun friends on the green team! We all went to the wonderous Leprechaun land
thanks to our amazing leader Oreo who constructed it in her Igloo! Thanks to everyone who came!
See you next time!

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