• Welcome to WV! We are the strongest, multi-divisional army. We have soldiers from all over the world and we need YOU! Join our Discord and represent your continent on the battlefield! You'll be part of the most legendary organization in Club Penguin History. FEAR THE WAVE! ~Water Vikings Leaders

March Madness Training

Frostbite, Water Vikings Capital — Hey Vikings! Yesterday we logged onto Ice Breaker to train for the upcoming March Madness battle against SWAT! We did a fantastic job and got to see our High Commanders Mato and Escot get to lead rooms! Lets see how it went.

Max: 23

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|| Water Vikings Presents || March Madness: OCEAN STEADFAST


Around this time last year, we here at the Water Vikings successfully won our first ever March Madness tournament, March Madness IX, after many years of being snubbed of victory due to external factors outside of our control. For the first time in our history, we finally outdid our main March Madness competitor (and brother-ally), the Rebel Penguin Federation. This victory was not only filled with unexpected moments (such as maxing over 60), but was one of our greatest feats since the Water Vikings revival for the CPPS generation back in 2020. Indeed, the victory will forever be cherished as one of our best moments, and a great moment for the year of 2024 itself. 

Just last month, Club Penguin Armies announced yet another rendition of the March Madness tournament – March Madness X. All of us here at the High Command of the Water Vikings are eager to defend our title as the March Madness champions for yet another year. To be able to consecutively win March Madness two years in a row, against all odds, would be nothing short of an amazing feat. In our journey to achieve this feat, we want all to take part and bring us to yet another year of victory!

So, at the drawing boards, we thought to ourselves – “what can we do to make March Madness truly ours“. To answer that, we here at the High Command of the Water Vikings are proud to present – March Madness: Ocean Steadfast.

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Branch Battle: Sweet Vs. Salty

Frostbite, Water Vikings Capital — Hey Vikings! To end off the Sweet Week, we logged onto Warzone for an intense branch battle — The Marines, dressed as sweet candy corn, and the Guardians, dressed as salty pizza! Each branch did a fantastic job with tactics and formations, lets see who won!

Max: 19

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Candytron3000 & Pizza Takeover

Frostbite, Water Vikings Capital — Heya Vikings! Today we logged onto the Ice Breaker for a game of Candytron3000! After our training, we logged onto Club Penguin Journey for the game, since CPAB doesnt have the minigame [yet]. Lets see who got the most points!

Max: 20

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Candy Apple Takeover

Frostbite, Water Vikings Capital — Hello again, Vikings! Today we logged onto Ice Breaker for another takeover, this time dressing up as Caramel Apples! So far, the Sweet Week has been going well, so lets see how we did!

Max: 26

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Donut Takeover

Frostbite, Water Vikings Capital — Heya Vikings! Today, we logged onto the Ice Breaker dressed up in our donut helmets, for the donut takeover! We pulled off some nice forms in the Ice Berg, Coffee Shop and the Snow Forts. Great job everyone! Lets see how it went.

Max: 24

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Candy Themed Fashion Show

Frostbite, Water Vikings Capital — Hilsener, Vikings! Today we logged onto Ice Breaker for a Fashion Show! This event was the first of our Sweet Week, featuring 3 Candy Themes and 3 winners of each round! Without further ado, lets see everyone’s lovely outfits!

Max: 21

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Practice Battle vs. Help Force

Frostbite, Water Vikings Capital — Hey Vikings! Today we logged onto Ice Breaker for a practice battle against our allies, the Help Force! The battle was very intense and everyone did a fantastic job! Following the battle, we had a game of Cart Surfer. Congrats to Zenishira for winning the game!

Max: 22

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Ninja Takeover & Card Jitsu Tournament

Frostbite, Water Vikings Capital — Hey Vikings! Today we logged onto Icebreaker, Iceberg for our Ninja Takeover event and Card Jitsu Tournament. We dressed up as Water Ninjas and practiced some formations like a Plus, X, L, and etc. After we trained, we began the Card Jitsu Tournament. Congratulations to Chey for winning the tournament and for Silly getting the featured troop of the event!

Max: 24

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Tuesday Formation Training

Frostbite, Water Vikings Capital — Hey Vikings! Last Tuesday we logged onto Ice Breaker to practice our formations. We worked on our X form first, and then tried a new formation; the arrow. Both formations turned out great! Lets see how it went.

Max: 20

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