• Welcome to WV! We are the strongest, multi-divisional army. We have soldiers from all over the world and we need YOU! Join our Discord and represent your continent on the battlefield! You'll be part of the most legendary organization in Club Penguin History. FEAR THE WAVE! ~Water Vikings Leaders

[EU] Clovers are SO TASTY

Hey Vikings! Today on February 17, 2023, we headed onto CPA Battlegrounds – Battleground to prepare for our quick battle up against ACP! It was a very fun battle for both armies, so I can’t wait to see us battle against each other again in the future!

Max: 15

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[US] Battle vs. TCP

Hey Vikings! Today on February 16, 2023, we logged onto CPA Battlegrounds – Battleground where we started off at the Docks, before having our battle against Templars in three different rooms!

Max: 22


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[EU] U-Lead We-Lead

Hi there Vikings! Today on February 15, 2023, we logged onto CPA Battleground – Ice Breaker where we held another U-Lead, as they’ve been frequently showing up more in our events the past few weeks!

Max: 18

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[EU] Battle vs. Dark Vikings

Hey Vikings! Today on February 11th, 2023, we logged onto CPA Battleground – Ice Breaker and headed to the Beach before our battle up against the Dark Vikings!

Max: 23

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[AUSIA] Battle vs. The Melted Warriors

Hey Vikings! Today on February 11th, 2023, we logged onto CPA Battlegrounds – Battleground where we had our very first AUSIA in a long time, up against our allies, the Ice Warriors!

Max: 10

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Hey Vikings! Today on February 11th, 2023, we logged onto CPA Battleground – Ice Breaker for another Troop U-Lead, after listening to some suggestions to make it better run. This one was a lot more successful, and I can’t wait to see more of them!

Max: 22

(we are counting Chicc, although he never changed into uniform, so it’s manually counted)

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[EU] Fashion Fashion Fashion

Hey Vikings! Today on February 8th we logged on CPA Battleground – Ice Breaker and headed to the Ice Berg before our Fashion Show event!

Max: 18

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[US] Tuesday Training- I Mean WV VS IW

Today on February 7th, 2023, the Water Vikings trained on the Docks, where they were interrupted by their allies, the Ice Warriors. It quickly turned into a battle but the Water Viking couldn’t stop making fun of one “very intimidating” Ice Warrior:

Anyways aside from that, onto that actual post.

(Note rq; we turned into Golden Guardians for the battle to not confuse troops about the uniform)

Max: 18

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[EU] WV VS ACP- I mean TCP and HF- I mean TCP

HEYYY WELCOME TO THE POST! This is the thing where we Meant to battle ACP, But we battled TCP and HF instead.

but then, then HF got stuck in traffic so we only battled TCP! enough rambling about what happened now.

Below is the max Size: 18! not bad, hey? Continue reading

[EU] The Vikings Battle The Helpers

Hey Vikings! Today on February 3rd, 2023, we logged onto CPA Battlegrounds – Battleground for our battle up against Help Force! We first started off at the Ice Berg for our warm-ups, before heading onto the Snow Forts, and then lastly moving to the Docks for the last part of the battle!

Max: 20

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