• Welcome to WV! We are the strongest, multi-divisional army. We have soldiers from all over the world and we need YOU! Join our Discord and represent your continent on the battlefield! You'll be part of the most legendary organization in Club Penguin History. FEAR THE WAVE! ~Water Vikings Leaders

|| Water Vikings Presents || March Madness: OCEAN STEADFAST


Around this time last year, we here at the Water Vikings successfully won our first ever March Madness tournament, March Madness IX, after many years of being snubbed of victory due to external factors outside of our control. For the first time in our history, we finally outdid our main March Madness competitor (and brother-ally), the Rebel Penguin Federation. This victory was not only filled with unexpected moments (such as maxing over 60), but was one of our greatest feats since the Water Vikings revival for the CPPS generation back in 2020. Indeed, the victory will forever be cherished as one of our best moments, and a great moment for the year of 2024 itself. 

Just last month, Club Penguin Armies announced yet another rendition of the March Madness tournament – March Madness X. All of us here at the High Command of the Water Vikings are eager to defend our title as the March Madness champions for yet another year. To be able to consecutively win March Madness two years in a row, against all odds, would be nothing short of an amazing feat. In our journey to achieve this feat, we want all to take part and bring us to yet another year of victory!

So, at the drawing boards, we thought to ourselves – “what can we do to make March Madness truly ours“. To answer that, we here at the High Command of the Water Vikings are proud to present – March Madness: Ocean Steadfast.

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Water Vikings Art Competition — October 2024

Hey there Vikings! Today we have a special edition of Ocean Oracle: a Water Vikings Art Competition! Our team came up with this competition in September, and we thought it would be a fun idea for troops and staff members to participate, and show off their artistic skills!

The competition is simple, create a space-themed piece, any way you like, and it has to feature anything from Club Penguin. There will be a podium and everyone gets rewards! Without further ado, lets see what everyone created!

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Regarding Rumors

UPDATE: Mare, after directly viewing the evidence, has agreed that there was no conspiracy to “protect” Mei. Leave the leaders and HCOV alone.

The contents of this post involve allegations of grooming, in graphic detail. Continue reading at your own discretion.

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[Legends Cup XIV] Semifinals Against RPF ¦ 07/07/2024

Legends Cup XIV logo

Designed by Master DS from CPA

Hello Water Vikings and Club Penguin community! On 7th July 2024, we logged on to CPA Battleground and went to Warzone – Iceberg to try to win the Legends Cup XIV Semifinals.

[Max. 25+]


This time we fight against our brother allied Rebel Penguin Federation with Mei as vc-lead and Revan and Clair as our text leaders. Here are some event pictures.

Upsidedown T formation
candy formation

All this pictures was taken from Water Viking army members.


Sadly we lost this battle, although this isn’t the end for Water Vikings of course. We keep fighting against Armies of Club Penguin.

Result battle schedule

Designed by Master DS from CPA


Thank you to all Water Vikings for attending and the great staff for all they did. But Water Vikings still being the best army. LET’S TRY OUR BEST AGAINST ACP!!



Viking Lord

[Legends Cup XIV] First Battle Against PIC ¦ 30/06/2024

Legends Cup XIV

Designed by Master DS from CPA


Hello Water Vikings and Club Penguin community! On 30th July 2024, we logged on to CPA Battleground and went to Klondike – Iceberg to try to win the Legends Cup XIV.

[Max. 25+]


Login room warm-up

Login room warm-up left arrow

For the first round we fight against our allied army People’s Imperial Confederation with Maya, Rye and Clair as vc-leader.


Room 1 - Underline V inside mines

Room 2 - Circle plus

Room 3 - CPA jokes


We won this hard battle and we advanced to Semifinals against Rebel Penguins Federation (again an allied army, maybe CPA hate use to be too good xD).

Legends Cup XIV Schedule

Designed by Master DS from CPA


Thank you to all Water Vikings for attending and the beloved staff for the hard work. Without all of you this wouldn’t have been possible. The next step for WV is win Semifinals. LET’S GOO!!!



Viking Lord

Statement Re: Community War on EGCP

For immediate release, addressed to the Water Vikings and the Army Community:

As of writing this statement, 4 armies—the Army of Club Penguin, People’s Imperial Confederation, Templars of Club Penguin, and Coup Crusaders—declared a state of war against our allies, the Elite Guardians of Club Penguin. In their declarations is a set of multiple charges, some of which are genuinely concerning and deserve to be admonished. The Water Vikings were informed of some (but not all) of the evidence days in advance which we found appalling.

Despite allies being allowed, the Water Vikings will not be directly intervening in the war on EGCP’s side nor will we be providing troops to help EGCP. Whilst we heavily condemn the character assassination on Edu14463, we are unable to look past other valid issues. Not only that, but we have felt that our alliance with EGCP has waned since World War 9.

Originally only declaring war on ACP in a preemptive decision to prevent a fledging new, revived EGCP from being attacked from what EGCP described as “ACP imperialism”, we have felt EGCP has ironically become the very thing they asked to stop. The stress we and our brother allies, the RPF, dealt with when collaborating with EGCP in BSA left irreconcilable diplomatic agendas. It did not help that EGCP pursued an alliance with the Dark Vikings and did not listen to us when advising them to avoid controversy.

WV has enjoyed repairing relations with the PICCP and TCP, and do not believe prostituting ourselves for allies who have not listened to us makes any sense whatsoever. It feels like being spit in the face after we naively felt EGCP would listen to our advice on how to not get into controversy. We will not be intervening in a war that not only has no gain for WV, but would be extremely naive to enable EGCP’s actions. We do not believe EGCP deserves to be thrown out of the community and still affirm our camaraderie with their army. However, we believe EGCP has brought this upon themselves and must learn the hard way after we have tried to bail them out on numerous occasions.

We remain solely committed to winning Christmas Chaos, and we hope to see all WV veterans attend as we look to make history.

P.S. WV always had intentions of making this statement, but purposely waited for declarations to drop. I have conveyed this to TCP leader Dawnables contrary to public opinion. I personally wanted WV HCOM to review before dropping. We do not tolerate the unnecessary slander, especially since if we had sided with EGCP we would’ve provided them the proof we were shown in advance.

Authorized by,

First Minister

Second Minister

WV End-of-Summer Awards Results

Before reading this post, I recommend playing this song in the background.

Alright, now we have the vibe going, I present you the 2023 WV End of Summer Awards Results!
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[AUSIA] Troop u-lead

Happy Saturday, Water Vikings! Mabel, Jojo, and Aaron got too lazy to lead, so they made troops lead today. They are better than them, and I advocate that these new leaders replace them IMMEDIATELY. Otherwise, another successful AUSIA event from WV. Lets see some great tactics from today!

Max: 17

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The Alabama Plan

For immediate release, addressed to the Water Vikings and army community:

With the World War finally ending, the community has been left in a weird position. If you want my honest opinion, whilst whatever happened on the battlefield might’ve been advantageous to us at the moment (though it is irrelevant regardless), we were truly embarrassed diplomatically. Ultimately no one won this war.

My priority will always be putting Water Vikings first—and it will be. But on the other hand, the community cannot be left in a much-to-be-desired state right before the Legends Cup tournament. If the community is not healthy, it becomes even more boring and WV as a whole also suffers.

WV should not be self-fish; we got what we really wanted from the World War (making sure ACP cannot over-expand and finally put an end to the nearly 2-year-long PIC-WV drama which was trivial in my opinion). We need to use our rare position to help the community.

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Subj: Ice Warriors

For immediate release, addressed to the Water Vikings and the Army Community:

Today marked the start of a series of expose posts against the Ice Warriors army. The posts outed two leaders for pedophilia, along with mentioning other discriminative behavior. I won’t be linking the posts due to the sensitivity of the topics, but they are very concerning.

After a unanimous vote by the Water Vikings’ higher command, leadership, and advisory, the Water Vikings terminate its alliance with the Ice Warriors and now classifies them as an enemy.

The conduct by the two former leaders is horrendous, bordering Recon Federation‘s levels of grossness. Whilst both leaders have resigned, the fact that this has been going on for at least a year minimum, and yet no action was done is ridiculous. There is no way leadership did not receive complaints beforehand about this behavior.

We thank Ice Warriors for being a very close ally in months and years past, including under Kally and DrQueen. We will never forget those memories. However, the incumbent Ice Warriors regime is not the same one we chose to ally with. The Ice Warriors un-allied with us in 2020 after the inexcusable behavior of a former WV 2nd-in-Command’s doxxing behavior against former SWAT leadership; I think it is perfectly reasonable for us to un-ally for something possibly worse.

In regards to the enemy status, this does not imply we are now at war with the Ice Warriors. We have no plans to interact with the map or engage in petty warfare at the moment with March Madness on our minds. What it does mean however is we will not have any foreign relations with the Ice Warriors army, nor will we practice-battle them. They betrayed our trust, along with our other shared allies.

I don’t care if the motive behind the posts were “bad”. Even if they were, that doesn’t make genuine pedophilia and other bad things moot. What happened is not justifiable in the slightest. We have taken a strong stance against pedophilia historically and will continue to do so.

This behavior is never tolerated in the community. We will survive even without the Ice Warriors. I cannot say the same for them, as they need us more than we need them.

Authorized by,

Viking Commander

Viking Commander

High Council of Vikings de-facto Chair