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Regarding Rumors

UPDATE: Mare, after directly viewing the evidence, has agreed that there was no conspiracy to “protect” Mei. Leave the leaders and HCOV alone.

The contents of this post involve allegations of grooming, in graphic detail. Continue reading at your own discretion.

On August 10th, Mei was removed from her position as Viking Commander. She was removed following an investigation by the High Council of Vikings, which found her in violation of our “Public Displays of Affection” rule, as well as failure to uphold her duties, and for treason (Hopping to Help Force on short notice, abandoning her post).

However, a few hours after her removal, both the remaining leadership and the High Council of Vikings were made aware of allegations that Mei was involved, with her partner Jonathan, in receiving explicit pictures from people, and rating them. It’s believed that most of everyone involved were minors.

This is, without saying, horrible. The fact that this was going on is awful. However, I need to clarify immediately that both HCOV and the remaining Viking Commanders were entirely unaware of this taking place, and that this only came to light after her removal.

Below, you will find the official timeline of events, written by me, as to Mei’s removal process.

All times are in Eastern Standard Time (EST)

August 9th, 3:56 PM Mei declares her intention to retire from her post to the Viking Commanders and the High Council of Vikings, effective on August 23rd. In the same message she declares her intention of joining the Help Force after her retirement

August 9th, 4:03 PM Mabel alerts to the rest of the High Council of Vikings that Mei intends to retire.

August 9th, 4:04 PM – 4:37 PM Various conversations are held between Mabel and Mei, as well as between the High Council of Vikings as to what to do

August 9th, 4:38 PM The misconduct investigation into Mei is initiated by the High Council of Vikings, as per Article I, Section II, Subsection V of the Constitution of the United Servers of the Water Vikings

August 9th, 4:53 PM The High Council of Vikings is made aware that Mei has been plotting to abandon her post as Viking Commander since at minimum June 19th

August 9th, 5:24 PM The High Council of Vikings concludes its investigation, declaring Mei potentially guilty of:

  • Violating the rules against PDA (Public Displays of Affection)
  • Treason
  • Failure to uphold her responsibilities as Viking Commander

As a result, a motion to remove Mei as Viking Commander is commenced

August 9th, 5:25 PM Pjayo rules in favor of removal

August 9th, 6:26 PM Aaronstone rules in favor of removal

August 9th, 6:27 PM Aaronstone creates a group chat with Viking Commanders Rye Bread and Claire, asking for their position on removal

August 9th, 6:37 PM Both Rye Bread and Claire consent to removal

August 9th, 7:16 PM Guncotton rules in favor of removal

August 10th, 7:42 AM Revan rules in favor of removal

August 10th, 10:27 AM Mabel rules in favor of removal The motion to remove Mei as Viking Commander passes unanimously among the High Council

August 10th, 4:34 PM Mei is officially removed from her position as Viking Commander by the High Council of Vikings

Below, is a photograph of the initial conversation alleging Mei had been inappropriately contacting minors, with her partner. Names have been redacted. Time is in EST.

There is an over four hour difference between when Mei was removed, and when the rest of us found out about the allegations. I need to reiterate that we had ZERO indication of what was allegedly going on. I have contacted CPA admin Mare, who is open to independently confirming this all as true (through me streaming the HCOV and leader GCs over Voice Chat), something that will hopefully take place later tonight. I will update this post when this has been taken care of.

To Those Who Spread These Rumors

This section is just to clear the air. If you’re one of the grown men/women spreading rumors about minors in order to further your aims in fucking Club Penguin, I sincerely ask that you take a step back, look in the mirror, and realize just how fucking embarrassing this is. The fact that I need to take time out of my day, to write this post, and to contact and stream my private chats to mare, is fucking insane. You should all be ashamed of yourselves, genuinely. I sincerely think you are sick people, and for your sake I would recommend getting a life outside of leaving shit stains on your bed sheets while playing Club Penguin, a game for children that died out seven years ago. Go get some fresh air, get a job, do something.

2 Responses

  1. […] Displays of Affection rule. Another announcement was made on August 13, and a post was made on WV’s website on August 18 with more context. The post addressed the allegations made against Mei and her partner […]

  2. this community is just filled with chaos

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