• Welcome to WV! We are the strongest, multi-divisional army. We have soldiers from all over the world and we need YOU! Join our Discord and represent your continent on the battlefield! You'll be part of the most legendary organization in Club Penguin History. FEAR THE WAVE! ~Water Vikings Leaders

[AUSIA] Reindeer Puffle Takeover

Hello Vikings

We logged on to Ascent on CPR to take over the island as Reindeer Puffles! After a delicious snack at Santa’s Workshop, we made our way to the Plaza to conquer Club Penguin! Thanks to everyone who came today!

Max: 18

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[EU] Rocking Around the Christmas… Fire?

Hello Vikings!

We logged on to Ascent on CPR for what started out as a regular Battle Training but ended as a ritualistic dance around the fire! We went to the Docks to dance around the fire. Thanks to everyone for coming!

Max: 22

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[AUSIA] The Vikings Go For A Ride

Choo Choo Vikings!

Today we logged on to Ascent on CPR for a super fun Train Ride! We gathered at the Train Station and waited for the train to take us to The Aunt Arctic! Unfortunately, we’re impatient little birdies so we waddled out butts over to the Beach to play some Treasure Hunt! Thank you to everyone who came out today! 

Max: 17

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[AUSIA] The One Where Revan Makes a Mistake

Seasons Greetings, Vikings!

Today we logged on to Ascent on CPR for a fun Hide and Seek event! We gathered at the Town in our finest outfits before scattering all over the isle to scout the best hiding spots and to find our fellow Vikings! This event will be immortalised by Revan‘s tactic, “TIME TO GIVE SANTA HIS OREOS AND COOKIES” because apparently, we don’t got milk ;-; Thanks to everyone who came out today! And don’t forget about the event later today, back by popular demand, a Division Battle!

Max: 19

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[AUSIA] Winter Fashion Show

Hello Vikings!

We logged on to Ascent on CPR for a fun Fashion Show! We started at the Town before heading over to the Gift Shop for the show! We had 4 rounds, each with a different theme. Round One was ‘Cozy‘, and Cat took home the win. Round Two was Santa’s Helper‘ with Oreo winning that round. Round Three saw Aphrodite win with her ‘Summer Santa‘ outfit. Finally, Oreo won the ‘Ugliest Outfit‘ round. Thanks to everyone for coming!

Max: 13

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[AUSIA] Scavenger Hunt

Seasons Greetings, Vikings!

Today we logged on to Ascent on CPR for a fun little Scavenger Hunt! We gathered at the Forest in our finest Christmas outfits to open the Advent Calendar! After a few quick tactics, we quickly searched the isle to find our merry little gifts! Congratulations to Klutzy for coming in first, Chey with the second, and John Doe for securing third place! Thanks to everyone who participated today!

Max: 21

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[Ocean Oracle] Club Penguin Catalogue | December 2021

FROSTBITE, Water Vikings Capital – It’s Christmas month, Vikings! And as the snowflakes gently fall to the ground, Club Penguin also brings us the gift of a Snowflake costume, amongst others, in the new catalogue! If you’re worried about running out of coins, use the code PRESENTS to get 15k coins! Wanna know how to get those funky new outfits? Keep reading!

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Propaganda Competition Winners!

FROSTBITE, Water Vikings Capital: Hello Vikings! It’s the post you’ve all been waiting for! The much-awaited reveal of the Propaganda Competition winners! We’ve had some great entries, and after much discussion amongst the leaders, we finally agreed on a top three! But before we jump into the winners, let’s look at some honourable mentions, shall we?

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[US] Defence of Rome

Hey Vikings! 

Today we logged on to Marshmallow on CPR to Defend our newly conquered land, Rome! We battled across the Mineshack, Docks, and Stadium! Although we didn’t defend successfully, the war is finally over! That’s right, folks! Peace has been restored to the Water Vikings land once again! Thanks to everyone who participated in this war, it is thanks to your effort that we’re here today! Special shoutout to Aaron and Revan for leading this war with tact and grace, and of course, thank you to our allies for lending a hand whenever possible!

Max: 16

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[AUSIA] Choo Choo Fedd Goes Moo! (Unscheduled Event)

Choo Choo Vikings!

Today, after what seems like FOREVER, we logged on to Ascent on CPR to have some fun with an unscheduled event! We started off at the Stadium before finding the Train Station (ikr!) and choo choo-ing our way to the moon! It was a ton of fun, and thanks to everyone who came today!

Max: 18

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