• Welcome to WV! We are the strongest, multi-divisional army. We have soldiers from all over the world and we need YOU! Join our Discord and represent your continent on the battlefield! You'll be part of the most legendary organization in Club Penguin History. FEAR THE WAVE! ~Water Vikings Leaders

[EU] Sledding With The Silvers

Hello Pufflekings!

Today we logged on to Ascent on CPR for a battle with our lovely allies, the Silver Empire! We gathered at the Snow Forts before charging into the Stadium to battle. We then rushed to the Mountain for a fun game of Sled Racing!
Thank you to everyone who came!

Max: 21

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[AUSIA] Battle vs HF

Hello Vikings!

Today we logged on to Abominable on CPR for a fun Battle vs the Help Force! We started off at the Stadium before heading off to the Iceberg, back to the Stadium, and finally the Mineshack to battle! Thanks to everyone for coming now buy me a new laptop mine burnt itself to a crisp

Max: 16

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[AUSIA] The Staff Takes The Wheel!

Hello Ausketeers! 

Today we logged on to Ascent on CPR for a Staff U-Lead! We stayed at the Forest (holy exits!) while Cait, Alex, and Pixie took the reigns for this event! With floral tactics and heart formations, we’re certainly ready for Valentine’s Day! Thanks to everyone for coming!

Max: 23

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[AUSIA] Walk Walk Fashion Bloc

Hello Fashionistas!

Today we logged on to Zipline on CPR for a three-part event! First we gathered at the Forest for a Sword Duel, then we ran to the Cove to Battle SWAT & Silver Empire, and finally, we headed over to the Gift Shop for a Fashion Show! Keep reading to find out who won!

Max: 20

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[EU] Sword Duel with the Ice Warriors

Hello Pirakings!

Today we logged on to Ascent on CPR to Duel with the Ice Warriors! We gathered at the Iceberg before meeting IW at the Stadium. We then moved to the Ship Battle room (just off the Beach) for a fearsome duel! Thanks to everyone for coming, and congratulations to Paragon for winning our Nitro Giveaway! See you tomorrow!

Max: 20

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Protected: The Water Vikings Recruiting Regiment is back!

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[AUSIA] Ausia Arena Round I

Hello Vikings! 

Today we logged on to Ascent on CPR for the qualifying round of Ausia Arena! We gathered at the Snow Forts before storming the Mineshack to fight the based Red Ravagers! We took a quick dip in the Pool mid-battle to cool ourselves off, then dived right back into action! Thanks to our amazing ausia gang and Pixie’s awesome VC leading, we won this round! AUSIA GANG BEST GANG!

Max: 25

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[Ocean Oracle] January Igloo Catalog

FROSTBITE, Water Vikings Capital – Hey Vikings! A new Igloo Catalog has been released! What does it have and where are the hidden items? Continue reading to find out!

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[AUSIA] Beefy Vikings

Hello Vikings!

Today we logged on to Ascent on CPR for a fun Ausia Training! Of course, we had so much beef in main chat today, we ended up grabbing some EO popcorn to watch the fight, but not before doing a few tactics on CPR :p

Thanks to everyone for coming, also thanks to the beef-starters for a delicious evening!

Max: 17

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[EU] Bingo Night

Hello Vikings!

Today we logged on to Ascent on CPR for what was supposed to be a Battle Training, which after 10mins turned into Bingo Night! We chilled at the Stadium while Revan and I almost fell asleep, then Guncotton hosted Bingo 😀 Congratulations to Chey for being crowned the Bingo Master yet again! And thanks to everyone for coming!

Max: 19

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