• Welcome to WV! We are the strongest, multi-divisional army. We have soldiers from all over the world and we need YOU! Join our Discord and represent your continent on the battlefield! You'll be part of the most legendary organization in Club Penguin History. FEAR THE WAVE! ~Water Vikings Leaders

[US] Forest Training

Its Friday! With AUSIA Arena kicking off this weekend, we must use every opportunity to practice. Different rooms have different compositions, allowing us only to select formations and bombs. To maximize our chances of winning, we must practice in all potential rooms that might be called. Thank you to everyone who logged on today to practice!

Max: 20

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Happy Friday! Finally, it’s the weekend. To start a good weekend, Water Vikings logged on to IceBreaker – Icebreaker for a fun U-Lead led by our staff and troops! Thank you to everyone who led, and thank you to Aaronstone and Mabel for VC Leading!

Max: 23


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[EU] Monday Docks Training

Happy Monday, Water Vikings! On the 17th of April, the Vikings logged on together on CPAB – Icebreaker to have formal training at the Docks for upcoming tournaments and battles. Thank you to everyone who attended, led the training, and VC Lead!

Max: 21

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Hello, there, Water Vikings! On the 14th of April, the Vikings got together on CPA Battleground – Icebreaker to practice our forms in the mine. We strive to improve every day to prepare us for major battles. We had a keen focus on practicing formations in the mine room. A successful training today will make sure stronger for our AUSIA battle against RPF on Saturday. Thank you to Dino for leading today’s training and Mabel for VC Leading today’s battle.

Max: 25

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[EU] Monday Training

Happy Monday, Water Vikings! Today on the 10th of April, Water Vikings logged on to CPAB-Icebreaker for our scheduled Monday training. We witnessed some great tactics and formations today! Thank you to everyone who participated and took pictures for us! See you at our Wednesday U-Lead!

Max: 21

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[EU] Saturday Training

Happy Easter, Vikings! For our last event of the week, we logged onto  CPA Battlegrounds – IceBreaker, for an EU Training Session! We quickly trained at the Iceberg, perfecting our speed and formations. Right after, an easter themed fashion show was conducted. Thank you to everyone who attended today! Happy Easter, Water Vikings!

Max: 21

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[US] Major Battle VS Templars

What’s up Water Vikings! We have now rebranded back to Water Vikings! Today, on the 4th of April, we held our first event of the week by having a major battle against the Templars of CP during their 5th-year anniversary celebration. We logged into CPAB – Battleground and defeated them! Even though today was a huge milestone for TCP, we still gave it our all and displayed our dominance with a max of 26 penguins!

Thank you to our Leaders, Dino and Mabel for leading and to Sip and Mabel for VC leading!

Max: 26

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[EU] Saturday Event #1ONCPANHQTT

Hello ST.

In Today’s training, all Shadow Troop Legends and troops logged on to show their dominance and celebrate Shadow Troop’s achievement of placing #1 on CPANHQ’s Top Ten! Congrats to everyone who made this achievement possible, and thank you to our Consul, Dino, and our Commanding Officer, Sip, for leading today’s celebration. Thank you to Chek and aaronstone, for VC also leading the event!
Max: 26

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[EU] Tuesday Troop U-Lead

What’s up, Water Vikings! Today, on March 21st, 2023, we logged on to Club Penguin Army Battlegrounds for our u-lead! Thank you to everyone who led tactics today; you are the future of WV!  Thank you to Mabel and 69Chekochekdar for VC leading our event today. Here is the road to obtaining #1 on the TT next week. Make sure to attend our Wednesday EU event tomorrow!

Max: 23

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[EU] Practice Battles VS Dark Vikings!

Happy Saturday, Water Vikings! Today, on March 18th, 2023, we logged on to Club Penguin Army Battlegrounds to spend the afternoon/evening practicing some creative forms and improving our speed. A surprise practice battle with Dark Vikings for the second time this week! Thank you to Dino, Mabel, Sip, and Disha for leading today’s event, and to Disha and Sip for VC leading our event today. Another successful event, another dub in the books. See you, Vikings, at our Sunday EU Event!

Max: 36

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