• Welcome to WV! We are the strongest, multi-divisional army. We have soldiers from all over the world and we need YOU! Join our Discord and represent your continent on the battlefield! You'll be part of the most legendary organization in Club Penguin History. FEAR THE WAVE! ~Water Vikings Leaders

[EU] We Put The U in Scavenger Hunt

Hello Vikings!

Today we logged on to Abominable on CPR for a Scavenger Hunt, but not before the staff took the reins for a U-Lead! Alex, Mabel, and John led us through the Stadium, Stage, Cove, and Underground Pool on a thrilling journey!

As for the hunt, congratulations to John for coming in first, Chey in second place, and Aphrodite in a very close third!

Max: 20

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[EU] Pizza Chefkings

Buongiorno, my little chefs!

Today we logged on to Zipline on CPR to make some dinner for everyone! After much debate, we settled on some pizza! We gathered at the Plaza donning our aprons and then stormed into the Pizza Parlour! After a stunning event, we played Pizzatron 3000! Congratulations to Aphrodite, Klutzy, heg, and Vulpichu on a perfect score and a 4-way tie!

Max: 37

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[EU] Sledding With The Silvers

Hello Pufflekings!

Today we logged on to Ascent on CPR for a battle with our lovely allies, the Silver Empire! We gathered at the Snow Forts before charging into the Stadium to battle. We then rushed to the Mountain for a fun game of Sled Racing!
Thank you to everyone who came!

Max: 21

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[EU] Sword Duel with the Ice Warriors

Hello Pirakings!

Today we logged on to Ascent on CPR to Duel with the Ice Warriors! We gathered at the Iceberg before meeting IW at the Stadium. We then moved to the Ship Battle room (just off the Beach) for a fearsome duel! Thanks to everyone for coming, and congratulations to Paragon for winning our Nitro Giveaway! See you tomorrow!

Max: 20

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[EU] Bingo Night

Hello Vikings!

Today we logged on to Ascent on CPR for what was supposed to be a Battle Training, which after 10mins turned into Bingo Night! We chilled at the Stadium while Revan and I almost fell asleep, then Guncotton hosted Bingo 😀 Congratulations to Chey for being crowned the Bingo Master yet again! And thanks to everyone for coming!

Max: 19

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[EU] New Years Bonanza

Hello Vikings! 

Today we participated in the New Years Bonanza event hosted by CPAHQ! 8 different armies logging on to Crystal on CPR (the lag!) and battling a different army in each room! The Vikings Battled PIC, Templars, and Help Force today! It was a super fun event, thank you CPAHQ for hosting it! After the event, we headed over to my igloo for a Fashion Show! Congratulations to Shinde, Dino, and Aphrodite for winning! Make sure to check out their outfits below!

Max: 15 Continue reading

[EU] Pirates vs Navy

Ahoy Vikings!

Today we logged on to Ascent on CPR for a fun Pirates vs Navy battle with our lovely allies, the Ice Warriors! We started at the Snow Forts before battling across the Iceberg and Stadium! Thank you everyone for coming!

Max: 21

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[EU] Taking the Migrator

Ahoy Mateys!

Today we logged on to Abominable on CPR to invade the Migrator! We started off at the Snow Forts in our finest Pirate garb before heading over to the Migrator and exploring the ship hold, crow’s nest, and of course the Captain’s quarters! After successfully seizing the ship, we celebrated with a few rounds of Treasure Hunt! The results are:
First Place: Klutzy & Misty
Second Place: John Doe & Oreo
Third Place: Revan & Paragon

Max: 22

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[EU] Everything Changed When The Fire Nation Attacked

Hello Pengerinos!

Today we logged on to Ascent on CPR for a 2-part event! We gathered at the Snow Forts before heading up to the Stadium for a successful Invasion of land on the CPAHQ map! Then we moved on over to the Iceberg to have a fun battle with the Fire Warriors! Thanks to Dragon for judging, and thanks to everyone who came! See you next time!

Max: 19

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[EU] Invasion of Mittens

Hello Water Vikings!!

Today we logged on to Ascent on CPR for the Invasion of Mittens. We started off at the Town and moved to the Stadium where we reclaimed the Motherland for our beloved leader, Aaronstone. Thank you Todoro for judging, and thank you to everyone that came for the event!
See you next time!

Max: 25
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