Designed by Master DS from CPA
Hello Water Vikings and Club Penguin community! On 7th July 2024, we logged on to CPA Battleground and went to Warzone – Iceberg to try to win the Legends Cup XIV Semifinals.
[Max. 25+]
This time we fight against our brother allied Rebel Penguin Federation with Mei as vc-lead and Revan and Clair as our text leaders. Here are some event pictures.
All this pictures was taken from Water Viking army members.
Sadly we lost this battle, although this isn’t the end for Water Vikings of course. We keep fighting against Armies of Club Penguin.

Designed by Master DS from CPA
Thank you to all Water Vikings for attending and the great staff for all they did. But Water Vikings still being the best army. LET’S TRY OUR BEST AGAINST ACP!!
Viking Lord
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