• Welcome to WV! We are the strongest, multi-divisional army. We have soldiers from all over the world and we need YOU! Join our Discord and represent your continent on the battlefield! You'll be part of the most legendary organization in Club Penguin History. FEAR THE WAVE! ~Water Vikings Leaders


Today we logged onto Ice Breaker– CPA Battleground for our EU event. We hosted a U-Lead event. During the event we practised tremedious tactics, quick forms and in-sync bombs. You all looked amazing! Great work today. FEAR THE WAVE!

MAX: 24

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[AUSIA] Ausia Training

Today we logged onto Ice Breaker– CPA Battleground for our Ausia event. We hosted a training event. During the event we practised tremedious tactics, quick forms and in-sync bombs. You all looked amazing! Great work today. FEAR THE WAVE!

MAX: 19

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[EU] Battle Training

Today we logged onto Ice Breaker– CPA Battleground for our EU event. We hosted a battle training event. During the event we worked and improved our tactics and forms. You all looked fantastic! Amazing work today. FEAR THE WAVE!

MAX: 23

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[EU] U-Lead

For today’s EU event, we logged onto Ice Breaker– CPA Battleground. We hosted a U-Lead event – I hope everyone enjoyed leading their tactics. During the event we practiced precise tactics and quick forms. You all looked amazing! Great work today. FEAR THE WAVE!

MAX: 27

AVG: 27

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[AUSIA] Battle Training

Hi folks, for today’s Ausia event, we logged onto Ice Breaker– CPA Battleground. We hosted a battle training event. During the event we practiced quick tactics and neat forms. Great work today. P.S cotton stop driving

MAX: 19

AVG: 19

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[EU] Formation Training

For today’s EU event, we logged onto Ice Breaker– CPA Battleground. We hosted a formation training event. During the event we practiced fast tactics and exotic forms. You all looked amazing! Great work today. FEAR THE WAVE!

MAX: 24

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[EU] Practice Battle vs. Ice Warriors

For today’s EU event, we logged onto Ice Breaker– CPA Battleground. We hosted a training event against our allies Ice Warriors. During the event we practiced tremendous tactics and fantastic forms. You all looked amazing! Great work today. FEAR THE WAVE!

MAX: 22
AVG: 22

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