• Welcome to WV! We are the strongest, multi-divisional army. We have soldiers from all over the world and we need YOU! Join our Discord and represent your continent on the battlefield! You'll be part of the most legendary organization in Club Penguin History. FEAR THE WAVE! ~Water Vikings Leaders

Three Victories in Three Days

We did it again WV!

Today we claimed victory on Klondike. ST had about 2 on CP, so it was sort of an easy win, but let’s not be cocky.

We have noticed that our tactics and our activity whilst doing them is amazing therefor we will be making up some new tactics, a post will be coming soon. Thanks to anyone who attended! 

Anyway, onto the pictures:


We averaged 13, these aren’t our best size results but probably one of our best tactics results this week. 


Success on Klondike (Tournament)

Día Dúit WV (Hello WV in Irish)!

Today we battled Dark Defenders on Klondike. In the end, we won.We stayed in the Mine the whole time and when the results were released DD troops and leaders were complaining saying they should have won, but to be honest, they stayed in the same line the whole time and we did much more tactics than then. At the start, we were losing in size and had about 10+ on but we were winning in tactics. Things started to pick up and we started to tie with them in size and keep winning tactics wise, Well Done WV! I will be giving out some promos once I finish this post (even if you didn’t come). 

Unfortunately, Dash lost all his pics and I only had two, so here they are!

 86714085f67b16424192e89b6c24a639.jpg 7103c6f154aefc1887aed39176ad9999.jpgDon’t forget about the event tomorrow which times have been changed! You can see it by clicking here.

~Bepboy9|WV Leader & Legend|




Event Reminder

:!:  Training Session :!:

When: Friday 21st December 2012

Where: Sparkle, Town & http://xat.com/clubpenguinwatervikings


12pm PST//1pm MST//2pm CST//3pm EST//8pm UK //


:!: Invasion of Snow Board :!:

When: Saturday 22nd December 2012

Where: Snow Board, Town (Starting) & http://xat.com/clubpenguinwatervikings


EST: 4:00 // CST : 3:00 // MST 2:00 // PST 1:00 // UK : 9:00

Complete Rank Clearance/Events Post

Hai WV

Read on…

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We will have three scheduled events this weekend. You must comment on this post if you can come to them or not, there will be promotions and demotions given out and hopefully throughout the weekend an unscheduled Training Event will take place (if we have a good chat size). Please read on..

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Events Post

Edit: Notice how in the events we have now added a “plan” bit. We will be using this for now on in most events except for wars.

Hai WV!

I wont get you guys to comment on this post, but please do if you are looking at it anyway. This week we will be having another Invasion and a Training Session. These are two very important events and here is how the promotions/demotions will work out for it:

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We Own Sparkle

We didn’t get too many pictures, mainly because as time went on our tactics got worse and worse. But to be honest, overall I’m happy. This happens every gen, we start off slow then we rise, so not to worry. In the soon future I can see us rising. Anyway, onto the pictures:

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Welcome to the New WV/Events

EDIT: SMAC Tournament times have been added (will be before invasion of Sparkle), both events will be an instant promotion.

Hai guys!

Welcome to the new generation of Water Vikings. So far the leader are myself (Bepboy9), Edd64 and Slimshady. If you would like to join please head over to the Join page and you will be ranked within 24 hours of leaving your comment. Now, it will be very easy to get promotions, but demotions will be given out easy too, so join today! Below you will find the details of our first event, it is an instant promotion to anyone who attends (and who is highest mod and below), even if we start out with small sizes, in time we will grow.

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The Wave Returns

Bep: Email me: [email protected]

Tylund1 edit: I need to speak to Bep on WV chat

I could go on and make a speech, one I had actually prepared for this post but instead I will just inform you all. Water Vikings will be returning  I, Bepboy9, Water Vikings Legend will be reviving this wonderful army. Every gen I’ve been in, I’ve led every time we were major so hopefully you have faith in me. The official date of the return is 

Friday 23rd November 2012

There is a good chance we wont have an event until the following weekend, but the site will be having a complete makeover, so please, get ready.
