EDIT: SMAC Tournament times have been added (will be before invasion of Sparkle), both events will be an instant promotion.
Hai guys!
Welcome to the new generation of Water Vikings. So far the leader are myself (Bepboy9), Edd64 and Slimshady. If you would like to join please head over to the Join page and you will be ranked within 24 hours of leaving your comment. Now, it will be very easy to get promotions, but demotions will be given out easy too, so join today! Below you will find the details of our first event, it is an instant promotion to anyone who attends (and who is highest mod and below), even if we start out with small sizes, in time we will grow.
Invasion of Sparkle 
When: Saturday 1st December 2012
Where: Sparkle, Town
4:00 // CST : 3:00 // MST 2:00 // PST 1:00 // UK : 9:00
Water Vikings v. Water Troops (SMAC Tournament)
When: Saturday 1st December 2012
Where: Klondike, Town
12pm PST//1pm MST//2pm CST//3pm EST//8pm UK //12AM MST//11AM PST
Filed under: Uncategorized
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