Site icon Water Vikings of CP

ʇuǝʌǝ ∀IS∩∀ ʎɐpɹnʇɐS

.scip tneve gnikat rof ahsiD dna etidorhpA , ogniP , oniD , kehC  dna scitcat eht gnidaer dna dael eciov ot gniyrt elihw snomed gninommus dna efil sih gniksir rof ogniP , gnidael no ahsiD dna ireT ojoJ ot sknahT .azalP eht no scitcat desrever emos did dna )sgnikiV retaW>spoort wodahS( spoorT wodahS emaceb ew yad s’loof lirpA no yadoT !tneve laiceps yrev siht dednetta taht enoyreve sknaht oslA

91 : xaM (Max : 19)

Below there are some more pics from the event :


And here is my favourite one:

Shadow troops love CPANHQ!

Fear the Shadows!


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