Site icon Water Vikings of CP

[US] One More Marshmallow

Hey there, WeeVees! Today, September 5th, we logged onto CPA Battlegrounds – Battleground, for our 7th invasion against the Special Weapons and Tactics: Invasion of Marshmallow. We all gathered at the Iceberg before changing rooms to the Stadium. Once again, SWAT did not turn up, and we were successful in conquering more of their territory. Thank you to everyone who could make it to this invasion, and a big shoutout to Dino for taking pictures today! Make sure to check out the Mystery Event that we have on Wednesday, and react in the channel if you can make it – Mystery Event.

Max: 28

Read on for pictures of today’s invasion:


Thank you once again to everyone who attended today, and to Dino who took pictures! We hope you all had fun at this invasion, and hope to see you at more of our events!

Fear the Wave!

Viking General


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