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Why This AUSIA Arena Battle Mattters.

Let's end our tournament loss streak vs. the RPF from the two Legends Cups.

Greetings, Water Vikings!

Tomorrow (or today depending on where you live), the Water Vikings will be battling the Rebel Penguin Federation in the AUSIA Arena quarter-finals. This might not seem like something big. After all, this is just a quarter-finals round. But to get an idea of why we are hyping up this battle by a lot, we must go back in time.

2015: Legends Cup VI Finals vs RPF

In what is considered arguably the best year in Water Vikings history, the popular leadership of Bepboy9, Kingfunks4, Adden433, Stromae, Buddy, Tymatt, and Change was able to shock the community by making it to the Legends Cup finals. While the fight against the Cobras army wasn’t as difficult, the Water Vikings had to fight the Dark Warriors and Blue Miners Army, two very popular armies. Against all odds, the Water Vikings were able to beat all 3 to make it to the finals. As Stromae said on August 19th:

Sunday, the 23rd of August 2015, will go down in WV history as the day the humble Water Vikings Empire conquer the giant Rebel Penguin Federation. Since day 1 the cards have been stacked against us, our path to the final has been the most difficult the Legends Cup has ever seen. We annihilated the Cobras, shined on the Dark Warriors and overcame the Blue Miners Army. What lies ahead of us, can only be compared to the biblical story of David vs Goliath. With your help, the Water Vikings can go down in Club Penguin History. (Link)

The Water Vikings would controversially lose the finals to the Rebel Penguin Federation, and soon after the New Dawn Alliance was reformed to declare war on the Water Vikings Army. However, we were able to hold the RPF back so long that it was forced to go into overtime. Although we lost, we were given another shot in 2016.

2016: Legends Cup VII Finals vs RPF

In a surprise turn of events, the Water Vikings were able to make it to the finals again. This was after we were able to trump the Nachos in the semifinals. This came a few weeks after a brief war with the RPF and a hostile takeover of our chatroom following Buddy’s move to the RPF. Kingfunks4, Katie, Buddy, Jack283, and Chip as the chief advisor would lead WV to the finals of the Legends Cup. Prior to this, WV had been 1st for multiple weeks while the RPF was inconsistent in their placements.

We would once again give RPF a run for their own money. Unfortunately, we would once again lose the finals and WV would shut down shortly after for the last time in the original CP era.

David and Goliath: Once Again

Although we are allied with the RPF, that does not mean we will not take this seriously. The Water Vikings were able to beat the Templars in an underdog victory back during the Champions Cup. This tournament has more honor on the table, especially considering our tournament rivalry with the RPF.

We must win this by all means. This is a call to arms for all WV, whether OG or CPPS. Even if we somehow do not win this tournament, beating RPF is much more important.

Let’s finish what Jack and Bep started.


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