MIGRATOR, Water Vikings Empire – Hey Vikings! Welcome to another edition of the Ocean Oracle. Today we talked with Potassium, a former leader and army veteran. Don’t forget to wish him a Happy Birthday!
Potassium joined the Water Vikings in 2015. He was recruited off of Club Penguin by Bepboy9. Although Potassium was a bit of an army hopper, he for the most part remained in Water Vikings, even though he tried to create his own army (Red Kids of Club Penguin). In WV he attended a multitude of events and tournaments for two and a half years before the eventual closure of the original Club Penguin on March 29th, 2017.

Potassium, also known, as Snoopy436 is an army veteran and former leader
Potassium remained in the Club Penguin community and moved to Club Penguin Rewritten alongside his friends after Club Penguin Armies were apparently permanent dead. However, armies began re-emerging, and Potassium started getting involved in this community once again. He joined the Ice Warriors, alongside LEGOMAN, in March of 2020 up until late April.
After Potassium left IW, he was on the verge of leaving the CP Army community once again. One day, he joined the CP Army Hub server and checked out their Major Armies channel. There he found out that the Water Vikings had returned earlier that month. He joined the server and was greeted by Buddy, WV Legend. He re-joined as a Fifth in Command and ranked his way up to Second in Command. Eventually, he was promoted to Water Vikings Commander in December of 2020 and retired in early 2021.

WV under Pot’s (Viking Man12) Leadership, March 2021
The Ocean Oracle reached out to Potassium to get a better understanding of his experience during his previous moments in armies.
Who in armies has been the biggest influence on you?
Lord Pain. Although many people laugh at him and make fun of him, he without a doubt has a fantastic mentality in regards to War in this community. The guy is spot on with his evaluation of the current climate in CPA, and the lack of competition and all around competitive spirit from armies. It’d be really nice to see more armies war each other, it feels like many are scared to do so and Pain seemingly wants to end that.
How would you describe your journey as a leader of the Water Vikings?
I’ve enjoyed every second in WV, ever since I joined in 2015. It’s honestly been a pleasure being here, I’ve met dozens of great people who I have plenty of memories with, which I’d go through all over again. Ever since re-discovering the army in Summer of last year, I’ve enjoyed myself even more than my first run. Re-discovering all of these vets when I assumed they had all moved on was nothing short of surprising. I’m glad I managed to get Leader before retiring, and am thankful to everyone that has helped me along the way.
What was your reason for retiring from the leadership team?
I have honestly began to dislike CPA as a whole, it’s visibly changed in the last few years, even in the last few months. Everything seems so manufactured and “official” if that makes sense. Idk, everything just seems so forced. I’ve just altogether been enjoying it a lot less lately, there are multiple smaller reasons such as school and side-projects, but as mentioned before, the main reason would be how mundane CPA has become.
Anything you want to share about your experience as a leader?
There’s two main things I’d like to say from my experience in this community, and more so as a Leader. Number one, know how to differentiate an impulsive decision and a correct decision. Unless you’re in dire circumstances, give all actions something like a week beforehand before doing, to ensure you don’t regret it afterwards, I know this is rich coming from me of all people but it is what it is.
Secondly, I’d like to address the Elephant in the room, this community is really, really bad at times, don’t let yourself get too sucked into it. There are definitely good things that come with this community, there are hundreds of extremely talented and interesting people who are a joy to talk to, and I’ve had some really good experiences and friendships with numerous people over the last few years both inside and outside of WV, that I wouldn’t take back. But there’s a more toxic side to things that you’re better of staying away from, it really just isn’t worth it.
Last question, are you able to pick the best moment of your career in armies?
When the infamous Skid Jack283 promoted me to 3ic in 2016, great moment. I was fairly young then, so being HCOM in a Top 2 Army after almost a year of being there was pretty fulfilling. That whole year was pretty fun in and of itself, met a lot of great people who I still talk to today.
What do YOU think about this interview? Share YOUR thoughts in the comments below or on Discord?
Second In Command & OO Skald
Filed under: Ocean Oracle
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