For Windows Users: Hold down the “Ctrl” key and then press “F” on your keyboard. This opens a Find window. Type in the name you go by in the Water Vikings or your Discord name. Click the “Next” button if necessary. It should highlight your name on the ranks. Then just check what rank you are listed under.
For Mac Users: Hold down the Apple /Command key and then press “F” on your keyboard. This opens a Find window. Type in the name you go by in the Water Vikings or your Discord name. Click the “Next” button if necessary. It should highlight your name on the ranks. Then just check what rank you are listed under.
Last Updated: September 1, 2024, by Mabel
★★★ Viking Commander ★★★
Claire | RyeBread
♜ High Council of Vikings ♜
Aaron | Pjayo | Guncotton | Revan | Mabel
The High Council of Vikings is mainly an advisory force but can step in for internal matters and change the leadership if absolutely necessary. All new members to the HCOV must be agreed upon by the whole panel.
★★ Viking General ★★
Chey | Skyu | Maya | Edu14463
★ Viking Lord ★
Jewl | Oreo
☆☆☆☆ Viking Chief ☆☆☆☆
JevTheJester | CuddlyPiplup | Tomato | Pokeshroom
☆☆☆ Viking Guard ☆☆☆
Escot | Waffledog
☆☆ Viking Warrior ☆☆
PainOfWar | Ridita | Stefan
☆ Staff in Training ☆
Hampterio | X2 | Korora
─ Viking Commodore ─
─ Viking Captain ─
─ Viking Lieutenant ─
─ Viking Ensign ─
─ Viking Petty Officer ─
─ Viking Quartermaster ─
─ Viking Constable─
─ Viking Sailor─
─ Viking Seaman─
─ Viking Cadet ─
This is the rank you from registering and getting verified on CPABattleground. Attend your first event to be promoted to sailor and to be featured on this page!
─ Viking Recruit ─
This is the rank you get first joining the Water Vikings! Register an account on CPABattleground and get verified to be promoted to soldier!
♞ Viking Advisory ♞
Cliff | DrQueen | Superhero123 | Leobaba | Fedd | Aphrodite