• Welcome to WV! We are the strongest, multi-divisional army. We have soldiers from all over the world and we need YOU! Join our Discord and represent your continent on the battlefield! You'll be part of the most legendary organization in Club Penguin History. FEAR THE WAVE! ~Water Vikings Leaders

[EU] Friday Training

Hello watervikings. Today we logged onto icebreaker inside mines to do more training for this upcoming Sunday legend cup. In the 20 minutes that we practice different forms, tactics and for the last 2 minutes practice ef/el flickers. In total we maxed a total of 24. Thank you to everyone who lead and came today. Make sure to react to legend cup versus swat.

Max 24

[EU] Wednesday Training

Hello Water Vikings. Today we logged onto Icebreaker Iceberg to do some training for legend cup. We eventually moved to stadium to finish our training. We were practicing different forms and tactics.  Even though we were struggling to do a x formation we are slowly getting better. In this event we max a total of 21. Thank to everyone who lead and came.  Make sure to check legends cup vs swat and react if you can make it.

Max 21


[EU] Legends Cup Training

Hello Water Vikings! Today on 15th July we logged onto the CPA Battleground for our Legends Cup Training. We practiced form changes and fast tactics.

Huge thanks to Mabel for her VC and tactic lead.

Max: 17

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[AUSIA] Saturday Training + Surprise Hide and Seek

Hello Water Vikings!!! Today on 15th July we logged onto the ever amazing CPA BattlegroundIce Breaker for our wonderful training event. Our preparations for the Legends Cup are in full motion. Our tactics are perfect, fast and consistent. And our hiding skills are the best in the entire community.

Huge thanks to Pingo for his VC lead, and to Claire and Jojo for their tactics.

Max: 22

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[US] Battle VS EGCP


Hello Water Vikings. Today we logged on to warzone iceberg for a practice battle versus EGCP. During this event we didn’t pull of the best. Hopefully we will be better for legend cups which is happening soon. We maxed a total of 18 during this event. Thank you for everyone who attended, vc lead, and did tactics.

Max: 18


[EU] Wednesday Training

Hello Water Vikings. Today we logged on to icebreaker iceberg. This event is helping us train for the legend cup that is happen soon. Overall we had some afks but we are making progress. This event has max a total of 23. Thank you for everyone who can make it and lead either in vc or tactics.

Max 23


[EU] Monday Training

Hello Water Vikings! Today we logged onto the CPA Battleground Ice Breaker, for our Monday training. The start of Legends Cups is near, and thus we need to train as much and as hard as possible to be fully ready for it. Which we accomplished today, with our vigorous efforts and numerous tactics.

Major thanks to Mabel for her VC lead, and to our two new leaders Jojo and Claire for their Tactics lead.

Max: 25

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[Eu] Major Saturday Event

Hello WaterVikings. Today we logged onto icebreaker iceberg to do a training event. During this event we practice a z, upside down t and an x form. With the amount of training we are doing, giving us a chance to use during the legend cup. For this event we had had 22 log onto this event today. Thank you for everyone who attended.

Max 22

The Show Must Go On

For immediate release, addressed to the Water Vikings:

Had to redraft this intro so many times as I wasn’t sure which way would be best. I ultimately concluded just cutting to the chase is best.

Monday, I filed a request for honorable retirement with HCOV. It was greenlit on the condition that I had some successors in mind. The plan with this announcement was to announce that I’d be retiring on August 30th; that would’ve still been the plan had I not done some contemplating on Wednesday. I don’t think WV would be in good hands if I retired earlier than I wanted to. As such, I will not be retiring after all. But just because I am not retiring doesn’t mean there isn’t going to be some change.

First of all, I will be formally going on leave for the next 7 days to focus on regaining my motivation. I was going to this back in late June after AUSIA Arena but the thrill made me hold off (which in hindsight was a bad call). Secondly, I’d like to announce the following new Viking Commanders:

  • Jojo Teri: A very great battle tactician and recruitment workhorse, Jojo joined us during the miserable tail-end of last year and has stayed with us through thick and thin.
  • Claire: Having been with WV since 2020 and staff/HICOM since 2021, Claire has always proved to be a welcoming workhorse and heavily involved in promoting the community.

Now some will be asking: how will this leadership work? Until the USWV constitution is finished, me and Mabel will stay as the acting First and Second Ministers (respectively)—meaning we are the only ones who can act on WV’s behalf in foreign relations. Jojo and Claire though will be equals to us two in every other factor (including day-to-day affairs).

My role as a leader will be evolving. It is clear the army cannot survive long-term if I still struggle to find the time (along with Mabel juggling work). That’s why these promotions were done and will be permanent. My role in the army now will be more of a councilor figure. I’m going to be making sure all staff gets adjusted to Jojo and Claire (as well as trust them) and make sure they regularly do things I did that helped the army when we first revived.

I will eventually retire. My time, however, is not now. I just do not think it would be right for me to just abandon WV. I need to make sure the army is in secure hands. When I do eventually retire, I want it to be like this I had no importance to the army and thus it continues as is. It sounds masochistic, but I want the army to learn to move on from me properly. I have fought multiple times to ensure that HCOV didn’t micro-manage during my and Mabel’s leadership. Instead of being reactionary like mid-2021 Revan would’ve probably wanted, I see HCOV as a positive. However, I want the army to be self-sufficient.

In a staff meeting last week, the point was raised that this army is carried by me and Mabel. I disagree but I do acknowledge that if we two are not active, the impact outweighs the hard work of the other staff. I believe this will ensure the stability of WV is maintained. We cannot let this Blue Summer die in vain.

I’m not going to wax poetic anymore. We have a tournament (Legends Cup) to win. Let’s win this together as a team.

[US] Friday Training

Hello Water Vikings. Today we logged on to Icebreaker Iceberg. During this event we did some training and a u-lead. Luckily enough during this u-lead Dino didn’t mess up his . like he did the last U-lead. Hopefully Dino is recovering well from the dots and is going to therapy for it. Anyways today we maxed a total of 21. Thank you for everyone who attending. I love dots.

Max 21