• Welcome to WV! We are the strongest, multi-divisional army. We have soldiers from all over the world and we need YOU! Join our Discord and represent your continent on the battlefield! You'll be part of the most legendary organization in Club Penguin History. FEAR THE WAVE! ~Water Vikings Leaders

[AUISA] The Factory Is Back In Business!


I’m so happy I can’t stop shaking lol (and it has nothing to do with the cold)

Today we logged on to Ascent on CPR to take back Oreo Factory from the stinky yellow bois. We started off at the Stadium before heading over to the Docks, Plaza, and Beach to battle it out. Today, was immensely successful, and our second 3-0 win in a row! Absolutely wonderful job guys, let’s keep it up! AUSIA GANG STRONK! Thanks to Yacket Sweater for judging today! If you missed it, watch the video here!

Max: 15

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[AUSIA] Now It’s Istanbul Not Constantinople


Today we logged on to Sleet on CPR to Invade Constantinople from the Yellow Bois! We started off at the Stadium before battling across the Docks, Mineshack, and Iceberg! Today was an UNDENIABLE WV VICTORY, and it’s all thanks to everyone who came today! Y’all did such a great job! Do you know what this means, Templars?

No, you can’t go back to Constantinople
Been a long time gone, Constantinople
Why did Constantinople get the works?
That’s nobody’s business but the Water Vikings!

Max: 16

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[US] Defence of Oreo Factory

Hello Vikings! 

Today we logged on to Ascent on CPR to Defend our land Oreo Factory from the stinky yellow bois. We battled across the Mineshack, Docks, and Stadium! Unfortunately, we couldn’t save our land from being snatched by their grubby fingers, but do not fret! We shall take it back on 2nd December at 8:35am EST / 1:35pm UK! See you then!

Max: 18

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[AUSIA] Invasion of the Minecart SUCCESSFUL!

Hello Vikings!

Today we logged on to Ascent on CPR, initially to invade Aaron’s Bastion from the Templars, but due to there being no judges, we settled on an Invasion of the Minecart instead! We started off at the Snow Forts before heading over to the Mineshack to show the minecart who’s boss! Congratulations to Chey for winning today’s Cart Surfer tournament and the Cart Master role! Remember we have another event later today! See you then!

Max: 12

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[US] Defence of New Funksland

Hello Vikings!

Today we logged on to Ascent on CPR to Defend New Funksland from the stinky Templars :E8~6: We started off at the Snow Forts before battling in the Mineshack, Iceberg, Stadium (room voided), and Docks. Stinky Yellow Bois may have won this round but we have an AUSIA battle later today, so let’s show ’em who’s boss!

Max: 27

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[AUSIA] Invasion of Rome SUCCESSFUL

Hello Vikings!

Today we logged on to Sleet on CPR to Battle the Templars for their land, Rome! We started off at the Snow Forts before battling across the Stadium, Mineshack, and Iceberg. We managed to successfully invade Rome! Thanks to Dragon for judging! See you later today!

Max: 13

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[US] Defence of Feddshire

Hello Vikings!

Today we logged on (yet again) to Ascent on CPR to defend our land, Feddshire, against the stinky Templars. We started off at the Snow Forts before heading over to the Docks, Mineshack, and Stadium. We did a great job today, especially in Room 3. See you Monday!

Max: 22

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[EU] Defence of Aaron’s Bastion (again)

Hello Vikings! 

Today we logged onto Ascent on CPR for yet another war battle. This time we attempted to defend Aaron’s Bastion from the stinky Templars. We lit the way across the Stadium, Iceberg, and Mineshack. We had a great max today, super proud of you Vikings! Make sure to attend the Defence of Feddshire later today!

Max: 28

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[AUSIA] Invasion of Dish Central (SUCCESSFUL)

Helloooo Vikings!

Today we logged on to Sleet (more like Sleep) on CPR to Invade a piece of Templar land, namely Dish Central! We started off at the Snow Forts before heading over to the Mineshack to battle, followed by the Stadium and finally the Iceberg! We successfully invaded Dish Central, the First Successful Invasion of this war by either army! Shoutout to df44 for taking over, and F in chat for gugagustavo and their extremely inaccurate prediction lol

Max: 14

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[AUSIA] Invasion of Constantinople (Been a long time gone, Constantinople)

Hello Vikings!

Today we logged on to Sleet on CPR to Invade Constantinople, currently held by Templars. We started off at the Stadium before heading over to the Mineshack, Iceberg, and back to the Stadium. Although we lost this one, we’ll be back stronger than ever! Thanks to everyone for showing up!

Max: 17

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