• Welcome to WV! We are the strongest, multi-divisional army. We have soldiers from all over the world and we need YOU! Join our Discord and represent your continent on the battlefield! You'll be part of the most legendary organization in Club Penguin History. FEAR THE WAVE! ~Water Vikings Leaders

[EU] Invasion of Beanie

Hiiii Vikings!! 

Today, 18th of June 2021, we logged into Ascent of CPR to battle the People’s Imperial Confederation for their server, Beanie! First we warmed up in the Iceberg where we moved onto the first battle room, the Underground Pool! (pool party flashbacks) From there the battle continued in the Everyday Phoning Facility and finally Inside the Mine. Many Vikings must’ve been sleepy after our other invasion earlier today, so we didn’t have that many penglings on. :E4:  HOWEVER due to Misty and Chey’s awesome leading we successfully conquered Beanie!! :E1: Also a big thanks to our own Viking Guard BabelMabel for covering for Misty and vc transcribing the last room, so our beloved leader could go pee. (pissty)

GG’s everyone for today, tune in tomorrow for a special Staff-U-lead event!

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[AUSIA] Find Fourolympics

Hello all you Clever Vikings! 

Today, 29th May 2021, we logged on to Zipline of CPR for an amazing Find Four tournament as a part of our ongoing Water Vikings Olympics Week! Our strong Ausia gang met up at the Giftshop, where we first waddled to Town and finally to Ski Village. From there we moved to the Ski Lodge for an intense Find Four race! Congratulations to Wolfgirl for getting first place!!   OOOO  

Big thanks to Alex, Df44, Sofia and Claire for doing a part in leading. This was a really fun event, as AUSIA events always are, and I hope to see all of you today 9pm UK in our battle against SWAT.

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[EU] Fashion Show

Good day to all my favourite Vikings!! (that’s all of you)


Today, May 15th 2021, we logged onto Zipline on CPR to have a special Fashion Show event!! Our catwalk began from the Giftshop, where we strutted to Town, Forts and finally –after a few missteps–  to the Docks. Everyone wore their best outfits-keeping in mind our dark blue theme! We might even want to consider changing our name to The Fashion Vikings! :E5: 

I’d like to thank everyone who attended to this fabulous event and of course Misty, Claire and Jorge for leading!<3

I did try to snap a photo of everyone’s gorgeous outfits, but I couldn’t get everyone. My deepest apologies!! Please send me a picture of your outfit if I didn’t include it in the collage below.


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[EU] Practice Battle Against Ice Warriors

Goooood day to each and every Viking – or a friend of the Viking’s – who may be reading this post right now!

On this fine day, 12th of May, we  logged onto Abominable on CPR to have a neat practice battle with the Ice Warriors.  The benevolent battle was to celebrate our Blue History. Starting from the Forts we headed into the Iceberg only to return back to the Forts due to our opponents needing a little more time. After 5 minutes of Alex’s warmups we rushed back to the Iceberg which we then entered the Forts once again and finally the Stadium. Big thanks to Jorge for leading the first room and vc transcribing all of the rooms and to our beloved leaders Misty and Oreo for leading the second and third room.  Thank you for all you lovely Vikings who made it to today’s event!

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[UK] Rainbow Week Green Takeover

Heeeello fellow Vikings!!! 

Today, May 6th, we logged onto CPR, Abominable for a wonderful practice battle which also happened to be the third event of our rainbow takeover. The battle was with one of our lovely allies, the one and only, Silver Empire. Our silvery pengling friends dressed up as blue policemen and we, being the rascals that we are, dressed up as green robbers. So much fun!!

After the fantastic battle our silver cops were hungry for some doughnuts, so we headed to the Pizza Parlor. Unfortunately there was no doughnuts, BUT we did get to play Pizzatron 3000! I heard someone even played with the dessert mode on. :E5: 

All-in-all it was a delightful event with a nice-looking 25 max and fresh tactics! And to that we can thank Df44 and Misty for leading, Jorge for vc transcribing, and of course all troops that attended! <3

Let’s make sure we are all here for tomorrow’s exciting event where it’s Atlantic VS Pacific VS Army Of The Orient Seas!

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[EU] U-Lead [08-04-2021]

Hey Vikings!

Today, Thursday 8th April, we logged onto Ascent on CPR for a delightful U-lead event! We had lots of fun when mods, df44, Abigail, Sofia, Alex and dragonX, gave the leedurs a break by taking over and leading. They even got Jorge to VC lead for the whole event, which was a treat for us all (hopefully potassium remembers to add those extra 10 silvers to Jorge’s piggybank). In return, the leeeeeduuursss blessed us with two peculiar rooms being Ski Lodge and Dojo. :wary:

Anyways this fun-tastic event was a great preparation for tomorrow’s Colour Wars. Hope to see you all there!

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