• Welcome to WV! We are the strongest, multi-divisional army. We have soldiers from all over the world and we need YOU! Join our Discord and represent your continent on the battlefield! You'll be part of the most legendary organization in Club Penguin History. FEAR THE WAVE! ~Water Vikings Leaders

The Ocean Oracle: Do you know your Leaders?

FROSTBITE, Water Vikings Capital – Hello everyone! This is my very first time writing for the Ocean Oracle so I am very happy to have this opportunity to interview our newest leaders, Misty and Oreo!

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[EU] Football Tournament

Hey Vikings! 😀

Today, May 19th, 2021, we logged onto Zipline on Club Penguin Rewritten for our Football TournamentWe first started off in the Gift Shop and headed down to the Town to show off our skills before our big game! Afterwards, we headed out to the Stadium and kicked around that football during our tactics!

Amazing job on holding onto those tactics today Vikings

Max: 24 Continue reading

[EU] Staff U-Lead

Hey Vikings :D!

Today on May 14th, 2021, we logged onto Zipline on Club Penguin Rewritten for our Staff U-Lead event! We waddled our way through the Cove, Plaza, and Ski Village! We had a few staff members who usually don’t lead that led today, and they did an amazing job! As did the members who held onto the tactics pretty easily!

By the way guys, that heart was really cute I ain’t gonna lie!!!

A special thank you to the following staff who helped in leading today:

Mabel, Alex, Pydro, Jorge, Chey, and Claire

Max: 25 Continue reading

[US] Second Defense vs Templars

Hey there Vikings!

Today, on April 22, 2021 we logged onto CPR and headed to the server Abominable to battle against our enemies, the Templars! During the battle, we made it into overtime and although we fought hard, we unfortunately lost the battle. Looks like Xing’s Toshiba was fully charged today! Make sure to thank Abigail and Oreo in leading this battle today! Look out for our next event happening tomorrow!

Max: 20

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[EU] Staff U-Lead

Hey there Vikings!

Today we logged onto the server Ascent on CPR and allowed other staff members to participate in leading! The formations we had were amazing, and everyone was quick to be able hold onto the formations that were given!

A special thanks to the following staff who helped lead in the event today:

Df44, Claire, Dino, Alex, DragonX, and Mabel

Max: 30

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