• Welcome to WV! We are the strongest, multi-divisional army. We have soldiers from all over the world and we need YOU! Join our Discord and represent your continent on the battlefield! You'll be part of the most legendary organization in Club Penguin History. FEAR THE WAVE! ~Water Vikings Leaders

[EU] Coffee Takeover

Helloooo there Vikings!!

Today, 15th June 2021, We logged onto Ascent on Club Penguin Rewritten to have a very fun Coffee Takeover party where we challenged our inner barista and put on the coffee apron to make some energizing coffee!! 

We did our warmups in the Gift shop, then headed all over the island to show off our coffee skills, firstly to the Town, Stadium, and finally back to the Gift Shop

Thanks to Oreo for leading the first and second room, and Mabel for leading the third room. Also big big thanks to Jorge for vcing for the event and also leading the warmups, really a man of many talents 😀

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[EU] Invasion of Half Pipe


Today, June 11th, 2021, We logged on to Abominable on Club Penguin Rewritten to battle against the Golden Troops again (at a much more reasonable time)!! And just like last time we totally dominated the 5 of them who were there, by winning all three rooms yet again!! We journeyed to the Stadium for warmups and then for the battle we ventured to the Inside the mine, Stadium again, and then into the Underground Pool!!

Thanks to Mabel, Abi, Misty, and Claire for leading the respective rooms and a huuuuge thanks to Jorge for VC leading the whole thing, none of this would be possible without you bro, you’re the goat!! 🙂 Let us hope this back to back defeat the Golden troops took will make them realize the wave is just too big for them to stand up against, come back better next time guys 😀


Love you Oreo

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[EU] Puffle Rescue Party

Hey there Vikings!!

Today, June 6th, 2021, We logged onto Zipline on Club Penguin Rewritten to help rescue the puffles from certain death!! We started off in the Giftshop and then headed over to party Inside the Mine! Special thanks to Oreooo and Misty and Abi for leading the rooms!! And a biiig big thanks to Jorge for VC transcribing!! You did great as always pal, you’ll be a leader before you know it 😀

And another thanks to everyone who came to the party and making it all possible!! You people are the real miracles 😛 Make sure you really try and make it to the DEFENCE OF NORTHERN LIGHTS  we have tomorrow and react in the channel!! We need everyone we can get for the battle!! 🙂

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[EU] Battle VS SWAT


Today, 29th May, 2021, we logged onto Ascent on Club Penguin Rewritten to battle SWAT!

We met up at the Gift Shop for the warmups then headed over to the Iceberg for the first room and then the Stadium and finally, we ended it off at the Cove.

Special thanks to Misty, Df, and Sofia for leading the rooms! And another very special thanks to the amazing Jorge for doing some very very nice VC transcribing!! Nice work fella 😀

I think it’s no question that we easily won this battle, they just couldn’t keep up with our tactics we just had the kind of speed they had never seen before!!

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[AUSIA] Back in Time Party


Today, 23rd May, 2021, We logged onto Abominable on Club Penguin for a quick blast to the past as we dressed up in prehistoric costumes for the Back in Time Party!!

We met up at the Gift Shop to start off the fun then headed over to the Berg and finished it off at the Stadium!!

Special thanks to Kiloz for leading the warmups and Misty and Claire for leading puntastically, and a big big thank you to Df44 for VC transcribing for us last minute 🙂

Thanks to everyone who took event pics, who turned up as well!!

Very nice job to C4NN0N for the coolest costume today 😉

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[EU] Igloo Party!!

Hey Vikings!!

Today, 7th May, 2021, we logged onto Abominable on Club Penguin Rewritten for a very unique and special event where we celebrated Mother’s Day and went to party at 2 igloos!!

We started off at the town and then went to Misty’s and Df’s igloo. With the help of Alex, Misty, and Abi leading and the amazing Jorge M vc transcribing, we wished all the Mothers a good day, especially GunMommy Cotton 🙂

We also had Super see the void when the last igloo glitched and the poor man had a glimpse of death…


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[EU] Operation Takeover


Today, Wednesday, April 28th, 2021, We logged onto Zipline for a fun little event where we dressed up in the ice cream apron and tested our speed on tactics while giving out scoops of flavorsome ice cream to the public!

With the help of Claire, Abi, and the man himself KingFunks giving the tactics and Misty and myself transcribing we dished out our emotes in the Town and the Stadium and towards the end pulled a decent amount of Vikings.

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[EU] Practice Battle vs Ice Warriors

Hey Vikings!

Today, Saturday 17th April, we logged onto Crystal on CPR we logged on for a relatively short but eventful Practice Battle against the Ice Warriors!! With the help of Misty and Abi typing up the tactics and the mighty Cotton leading the VC we fought in only 2 rooms, the Iceberg, and the Stadium! Continue reading