• Welcome to WV! We are the strongest, multi-divisional army. We have soldiers from all over the world and we need YOU! Join our Discord and represent your continent on the battlefield! You'll be part of the most legendary organization in Club Penguin History. FEAR THE WAVE! ~Water Vikings Leaders

[AUSIA] Sleepy Viking Takeover

Hey Vikings!

In our first event since the conclusion to the Helligland Campaign, we logged on to Ascent CPR for the Sleepy Viking Takeover. An array of Vikings logged on wearing an unusual pyjama variation to our uniform, before travelling to the Ski Lodge for a Find Four Tournament! Well done to each and every Viking that attended today, make sure to react and attend our Elf Takeover Event with a Nitro Giveaway at 9PM GMT!

Max: 17 Continue reading

The Time Has Come

Good evening Water Vikings. Continue reading

The Return of the Wave (Invasion of Polar)

Hello Water Vikings!

Today we made our grand return as an army, choosing to get this generation back on track with a glorious Invasion of Polar. We journeyed to the Ice Berg and the Mine in our quest to take Polar and in the end were successful in annexing the server. Thank you to all Vikings who attended our return to armies, and thank you to both the Staff and the HCOM who have returned to help us in our endeavour to return to greatness. Make sure to attend our next event, the Invasion of Grizzly, getting underway at 4pm EST on Monday.

Max: 37

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Operation Kingdom

Hey Vikings!

Today we logged on to Ascent, CPR for our planned EU Event, codenamed “Operation Kingdom”. Due to the unforeseen circumstances of each leader being unable to make it to the event, we got off to a later start and were only able to visit two rooms, those being the Stadium and the Forts. Thank you to all Vikings who attended this training event, make sure to attend our next planned Chess Event Tomorrow!

Max: 22

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[EU] Battle Vs Silver Empire (12-03-21)

Hey Vikings!

Today we logged on for an important Practice Battle vs. our close allies, Silver Empire. We logged onto Abominable, CPR, and battled fiercely across the Docks, Stadium, and the Iceberg. Thank you to all those Vikings who attended, and thanks to our allies Silver Empire for the challenge of a great fight! Make sure to attend our battle against CPAHQ Staff tomorrow!

Max: 26

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[EU] Second Battle of the Golden Seas War (March 6th 2021)

Hey Vikings!

Today we logged on for our SECOND battle in our Golden Seas War vs. Templars. We logged onto Ascent, CPR, and battled fiercely across the Night Club, Iceberg, and the Stadium. We fought hard but tied in the first room, however we bounced back and emerged victorious in the final two rooms, making it a 2-1-0 win. Make sure to attend The Third Invasion of the War tomorrow at 9PM GMT, and make the war score 3-0-0!

Max: 45

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[EU/US] Practice Battle with Silver Empire

Hey Vikings!

Today we logged on to Abominable CPR for our Practice Battle against our allies Silver Empire! During the event we visited the Berg, Forts and Mine and did well with tactics and speed in each room! Thank you to all those Vikings who attended today, make sure to attend our important AUSIA event tomorrow to increase promotion chances!

Max: 35

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[EU] Pizza Takeover

Hey Water Vikings!

Today we logged on to Crystal, CPR for our Pizza Takeover Event. During the event we wandered the island dressed as chefs and travelled to the Mine, Forts and Cove! Thank you to all those Vikings who attended, and make sure to attend our upcoming Practice Battle against the Silver Empire on Saturday February 13th!


Max: 30


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[EU] Successful Invasion of Ice Cave

Hey Water Vikings!

Today we logged on to Alaska, CPAH for our scheduled invasion of Ice Cave in the ongoing war with SWAT! Thankfully due to our superior speed and tactics, we were able to easily take the victory! Thank you to all Vikings who attended today, we wouldn’t be winning like this without you!

Max: 28

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[EU] Successful Invasion of Fiesta

Hey Water Vikings!

Today we logged on to Fiesta, CPA for our scheduled invasion of the SWAT controlled server Fiesta! Luckily due to our superior tactics we were able to obtain victory in all three rooms and take control of the server! Well done to everyone who attended and especially well done for the fantastic tactics! Make sure to keep an eye out for our Nitro Giveaway later today!

Max: 34

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