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[Ocean Oracle] Penguins of the Week┇Interview 1

─────────────── PRESENTED BY ───────────────


Hey gamers! This post is about and dedicated to our amazing Vikings!
Every week, we award a few talented penguins with a special role for excelling in the army and on the staff team.
So, may I present: Our winners!


Staff of the Week


Viking of the Week


Recruiter of the Week


Congrats to our phenomenal award winners! Now, on to the exclusive interviews!

Did you expect to win?

Piplup: No.

JevTheJester: No, I was so surprised I actually cried happy tears when it happened


Any advice to people striving to get to where you are now?

Piplup: Have a set cause, don’t expect everything to come easily. Work is needed to reach your goal, make it happen

JevTheJester: Be welcoming and friendly and keep your schedules open for events!


What keeps you motivated when you feel like giving up?

Piplup: I don’t want to disappoint my friends in CPA. When it comes to other things though, I strive to never let the bullies win

JevTheJester: My friends keep me motivated and encouraged when I’m down. They’re a big inspiration to me


Anything else to add?

Piplup: Do what you can, even if it doesn’t seem like much. Buckets still add up in the river

JevTheJester: Club Penguin was my childhood, so getting to relive it and have fun at the same time is really good for me!


That concludes our interviews! A huge congratulations to our award winners and our interviewees, thank you for being so awesome!
This has been an amazing post to write and I’m honored to have been able to interview our winners, please make sure to give them all congratulations when you see them

Happy gaming


Viking Guard

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