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[EU] WV Kickstars Summer Growth Project

[EU] WV Kickstarts Summer Growth Project
June 6th, 2022
Led by Guncotton (+ troop guest leaders)
Post Written by Dino


Hilsener, WV!

Today we logged onto Ice Breaker, CPABattleground, for an EU event for a fun U-Lead and to practice our bombs. The event was a big success, with only ally attending from a total max of 23. Tomorrow we will be practicing formations and will need you all to be there. We want to be prepared in case any issues pop up in any future battles. Make sure to check #formation-training for more information on that. Let’s continue the drive, WV! Cheers.

[Maximum Peak] 23 (⭡2 from last event)
Authenic Peak] 22 (⭡4 from last event)
[Average Size] 21 (⭡2 from last event)

[bg_collapse view=”button-blue” color=”#fff” expand_text=”Click to See Attendees” collapse_text=”Click to Hide Attendees” ](Viking Commander) Aaronstone | Aaronstone
(Viking Commander) Pydro | Pydro
(Viking Commander) Guncotton | Guncotton
(Vice Commander) Dino | Dino
(Vice Commander) Mabel | Mabel
(Vice Commander) John Doe | John Doe
(Vice Commander) Chey | Chey
(Viking General) Claire | Claire
(Viking Lord) Pogchampo | pogchampo
(Viking Lord) Paragon9 | Paragon9
(Viking Lord) Paddy | Paddy
(Viking Lord) Disha | Disha
(Viking Lord) Velia | beanerina
(HCOM-in-Training) Cait | Tilly1188
(Viking Guard) SickSeal | SickSeal
(Viking Warrior) WolfPlay | wolfplay013
(Viking Warrior) Chris | Chris
(Viking Warrior) Pingoboiii | Pingoboiii
(Viking Navy Officer) Drones | Dronesboi27
(Viking Sailor) TimingEKKO | TimingEKKO
(Viking Soldier) Mallory | MalloryDream
(Ice Warriors) Freedomist | Freedomist
(Advisor) Leo | Leo.
(Advisor) Holly | Holly
(Retired) VioletaRM |













Thanks to Paddy, Cait, Holly, Guncotton, and Claire for taking event pictures!

★★★★ Dino ★★★★
Vice Commander
Light in Darkness

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