SNOW SHOE, Former Viking Owners Home – Hey Vikings! Welcome to another edition of “This Week in CP Armies”. This week we take a trip back to 2020. What happened on this exact week last year?
On May 19th, 2020, the Golden Guardians announced that they would re-brand as Water Vikings. That day marked the beginning of the current CPPS (Club Penguin Private Servers) Era of the Vikings.

Buddy’s announcement regarding the re-branding
Who were the Golden Guardians?

Golden Guardians Uniform
In late April 2020, the higher command of the Shadow Troops had an owners meeting. There a possible Lime Green Army merger was discussed and the name Golden Guardians was mentioned for the first time. The next day, Pjayo and Buddy thought of reviving the Water Vikings with Thomas83514, already planning on merging the Shadow Troops and joining the Water Vikings Leadership.
A few days later, Tymatt and the rest of the Water Vikings revival squad acknowledge that the Water Vikings revival is unlikely. They struggled to gain access to the website from former leader Bepboy. After a few days, they decided to therefore abandon plans to relaunch the Water Vikings. So Pjayo, Buddy, Tymatt, and Adden created the Golden Guardians instead.
The launch of the new army was also boosted by Superhero123‘s decision of closing the Warlord of Kosmos (an army he was solo leading back then) and merging it into the GG where he joined the leadership team.

First Event of the GG (Battle vs. Metal Warriors, May 6th, 2020)
On May 19th, 2020, after more than two successful weeks, and after being considered one of the biggest new generation armies the Golden Guardians Leadership decided to finally re-brand the army as the legendary Water Vikings. One year later our army continues to strive and accomplish new things, preserving its 10 years legacy.
What do YOU think of this re-brand? Share your thoughts in the comments below.
Fourth In Command & OO Editor-in-Chief
PS: If you don’t know already I stepped down from my HCOM position, real-life demands more attention at this moment. But I would personally like to thank everyone that helped me in the past months and a huge special thank you to Oreo, Claire, Hyperwolf, Misty, Violeta, Superhero123, Cotton, Hydro, Jack, Pot, Adden, Moses, Fedd, and Funks. You guys always believed in me and are the main reasons why I’m still here. And outside WV a big thank you to Comedy, Amber, Africa, Dino, and Andreia, y’all are the best!
Filed under: Ocean Oracle, This Week in CP Armies
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