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Weekly Water Recap [09-05-21]

Water Vikings Weekly Recap

Greetings Vikings! It’s me, HeroZero1234! A lot of amazing watery things happened this week, let’s sum them up!

This week’s theme was Rainbow Takeover! The first event of the takeover was a purple-themed EU training event on Monday, where we maxed 22 PONGOS.

On Tuesday we hosted an AUSIA training event to celebrate the debut of the Ocean’s Chronicle (aka oCeAn OrAcLe)! We maxed 16 pangolins.

The tsunami continued towards Wednesday, when we hosted the second event of our Rainbow Takeover! This time the theme was dark blue. We achieved a maximum of 29 pongos!

The next day we hosted the third event of Rainbow Takeover, which was also a practice battle against our lovely alliez Silver Emirate! The theme was green color + thieves vs cops and of course we were the thieves cause we are the bad kewl kidz lololol. We maxed 25 pengolinos.

On Friday we had a division practice battle against the Army of Oriented Seals! Pacific (aka chads) division won the battle with a score of 3-0-0! We maxed 18 benguins!

On Saturday we held our last two events of the week! The first event was the final Rainbow Takeover week event, which was red themed! We maxed 26 pangolians.

The second and last event of the week was Kite Flying Competition, where we again maxed 26 penguinas!

This week we hold our weekly Chess tournament! The results were as follows:

Congratulations to b2 for winning the first place! Paragon9 got the 2nd spot, and I got 3rd :DD.

Now, without further ado, its time for the….

For this week, the results that were posted on CPAHQ website are as follows:

This week we were on 6th spot. Congratulations to all vikings who attended events this week!

So that concludes this weekly recap. Thanks a lot for reading all the way down here!

See you next week. Till then, attend your events and wear your seatbelts.

~Superhero123, Water Vikings Advisor

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