Hi all!
Well, the time has come. After a long yet successful career, it’s time for me to call it quits and move on with my life. Since I joined CPA in 2011 as a nooby 4ic in the Ninjas Army, I’ve come & gone a few times but what’s important is that I always came back, mainly for the thrill of leading and for the friends I’ve made in the community. Over the years, I’ve led many different armies and made many friends. Many of you who got to know me, and I’m so glad I got to know all of you.
Click “Read more” for my final post.
I certainly hope we all got over the stupid little fights we had throughout the years and realize how unique this community was. There really wasn’t anything like it out there – and it was amazing. We made it all possible, and for that we should be proud.
Now, before I go, I need to give a few thank you’s.
- Totidile/Revan – I’m not going to write a thank you message to all the people I’m going to list here but if anyone deserves a long, sappy one; it’s Revan. You recruited me to lead the Night Divers with you way back in 2012 because you took a chance on me, and I have to thank you for that. When we joke that “you made my career”, it probably shouldn’t be taken as a joke because you absolutely did make my CPA career possible. We led together in the Night Divers, Air Force, Water Vikings and Marines (damn I followed you around alot). I can’t thank you enough for being a great friend to me for 8 years now. I’m not sure how much longer we’ll keep in touch – but I sure hope it’s a long time.

WV, Pretzels & Air Force under Revan & I’s leadership
- Jack – You suck for not joining the WV discord even after I asked you 70234 times ❤️
- Katie
- Jack283
- Kingfunks4 – I still remember how excited I was when you joined WV in 2015 and I had the chance to lead WV with you for the first time. Since then, we’ve led WV together multiple times, and I must say we entertain just about everyone with out little back & forth banter (even though you seem to kick my ass all the time). I’m truly gonna miss you, you’ve been a really great friend and I loved leading with you throughout the years ❤️
- Change – Xoxo
- Manu
- Braveboy
- Thomas
- Tymatt
- Pjayo – You frighten me, but thanks for being a great dude.
- Adden – No, this doesn’t mean we have to get a divorce.
- Starz
- Sidie
- Antonio960
- Dash – Leading with you in late 2014 to mid-2015 was awesome, you certainly taught me a thing or two about leading. Hope we get to chat again in the future!
- Zoomey – You’re gay
- Bepboy9 – You’re gayer
- Cena – You’re the gayest
- Rose
- Tylund1
- Seer
- Mkll
- Chip
- Regan – Greatest WV 2ic ever 😏 (Sorry Funky)
- Madhav – Kotkaniemi is better.
- Zarpa
- Clifford
- 2funky3
- Maggie41203 – Always there for me when I held an event, no matter which army I was a part of ❤️
Probably missing a few but who the hell can remember everyone they were friends with anyway?
Now how about I stroke my ego abit;

Golden Guardians under my leadership

Marines under my leadership

WV under my leadership in 2015

WV under my leadership in 2016
I’d like to give a final thank you to all the people I led with throughout my career in CPA. Without you all, I wouldn’t have been able to have the amount of success I had.
Lastly, I’d like to mention just how proud I am of all of us who were involved in the re-opening of the Water Vikings. We decided to come back one last time to lead our beloved army one last time, not knowing what we would be able to achieve. Leading WV for one last time was an absolute blast, so thank you to everyone involved.
I wish you all the best and thank you once again for making my CPA experience special. ❤️
Former WV, Pretzels, Marines, Air Force, Night Divers & Golden Guardians leader
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I know I’m not coming to as many events anymore, and I will be attending less and less, but your work in the Water Vikings and probably all the armies you’ve been a part of is fantastic. I’m going to miss you, and I hope you come on the chat often so we can discuss our ideas and the future. You’ve been a great leader to work with these past 3 months Buddy, all the best wishes to you going forward.
I know I’m not coming to as many events anymore, and I will be attending less and less, but your work in the Water Vikings and probably all the armies you’ve been a part of is fantastic. I’m going to miss you, and I hope you come on the chat often so we can discuss our ideas and the future. You’ve been a great leader to work with these past 3 months Buddy, all the best wishes to you going forward.