Site icon Water Vikings of CP

Leadership Statement: Declaration Of War On Templars

Today I bring news that the Water Vikings are at war for the first time in the new CPPS army era. We have declared war on the Templars, who have shamelessly formed an alliance with two other armies to invade the People Imperial Confederation whilst our much loved friend, Sidie, has been on leave for personal reasons. We will not accept for armies to bully PIC when they are in a period of rebuilding and adjusting, and therefore have come to their support. They did not ask for this help, but we felt as we have a role. Our allies the Marines (part of the wet alliance) have declared war on Pizza Federation.

We also felt that an army of Templars size has a far to big presence on the server map and needed some servers taking off them. It is unfortunate that our previous ‘allyship’ has had to be broken, but we doubted the strength of this agreement with Xing. We wish for a fair and positive war and look forward to seeing the outcome.

Invasion terms:

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