• Welcome to WV! We are the strongest, multi-divisional army. We have soldiers from all over the world and we need YOU! Join our Discord and represent your continent on the battlefield! You'll be part of the most legendary organization in Club Penguin History. FEAR THE WAVE! ~Water Vikings Leaders


Hello WV! Today we had a practice battle with our new Allies, SWAT. Which we won 3-0. Thanks to all who came and thanks to SWAT for an awesome PB!

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AUSIA Practice Battle VS Secret Service 8/12/21

Today, The Water Vikings logged on to Ascent for a practice battle against the Secret Service. We started at the snow forts for warm ups, then battled inside the Mine, at the Stadium, and inside the Pet Shop.

Both armies put forth valiant effort, but the Water Vikings defeated the Secret Service due to their larger size, cleaner forms, and faster tactics. Gotta admit though,the Water Vikings had some rather ingenious forms going for them. Continue reading

US/EU Practice Battle VS Ice Warriors 8/11/21

Hello Folks!

               The Water Vikings logged on to Ascent for a practice battle vs Ice warriors Polar and Blizzard divisions. They started at the snow forts for warm ups, then battled with IW at the Stadium and the Berg.

Competition was fierce as both armies put forth outstanding effort. Tactics and forms were done with precision and speed, but the Water Vikings still came out on top! Continue reading

AUSIA Training Event 8/9/21

The Water Vikings logged on to Ascent for a war training. We started at the Snow Forts for warmups, and moved to the Stadium, and the Mine. Tactics were done very nicely, form was great also.

Thanks to Revan for leading rooms, and thanks to everybody who showed up and gave it their best! Continue reading

EU/US War Training

Hey Everybody!

The Water Vikings logged on to Ascent for an EU/US time zone battle training today. We started out in town for warmups, and moved to the Beach, Stadium, and Mine. Tactics were good, (especially the jokes made about Revan, all in good humour of course.) Forms were nicely done.

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AUSIA Training 8/7/21

Hey WV! This morning we had yet another AUSIA Training event where we maxed 12! Great job to all who came and thanks to those who took pictures for us!

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Air Force Takeover [US/UK] 8/6/21

Heyoo Water Vikings! We had our Air Force Takeover today, Air Force was an army that Aaron, Revan, and Buddy lead together years ago. Everyone wore red to represent the Air Force uniform.

We started out in the town for warmups, then moved to the Berg, Snow Forts, and Stadium. Max attendance was 25.

Thanks to Aaron and Revan who led today, also thanks to Jorge for VC leading, and thanks to everyone who attended!

Till next time troops! Fear the wave!

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Practice Battle VS RPF [US/UK] 8/4/21

Hey WV! Yesterday we had a practice battle against our new Ally, The RPF! We did a real good job in this battle and I am proud of each and every one of you who came to it. It was a really fun event, and we will have more events like this in the future, perhaps even a new ally… But that is for another day. Thank you to everyone who took pictures of the event!

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AUSIA Training Event 8/4/2021

Hey Vikings! Yesterday we had the 2nd AUSIA event of our generation and we did okay. Not as good as the previous event, we need to work hard to get those numbers up. Though it wasn’t TOO bad for the second AUSIA event of the generation. Thanks to all who took pictures!

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US/UK Training Event 8/2/2021

Hey WV! Yesterday we had another training event, it wasn’t the result we hoped for and we definitely need to do better. We have a practice battle tomorrow with RPF, and we need to be on the top of our game.

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