• Welcome to WV! We are the strongest, multi-divisional army. We have soldiers from all over the world and we need YOU! Join our Discord and represent your continent on the battlefield! You'll be part of the most legendary organization in Club Penguin History. FEAR THE WAVE! ~Water Vikings Leaders

Battle vs RPF 9/22/21 [EU/US]

Hey there WV! Today we had a battle against our allies the Rebel Penguin Federation, it was really fun. We tied two rooms vs them! GG to RPF! Thanks to all who came and took pictures! Continue reading

AUSIA PB vs HF 9/21/21

Hey there WV! On Tuesday we had a PB vs HF! It was really fun and GG to HF! Thank you to all who came and took pictures! Continue reading

Cart Surfer Tournament [EU/US] 9/20/21

Hey there WV! Monday we had a cart surfer tournament, it was really fun! Thanks to all who came and took pictures! Continue reading

Invasion of Sabertooth [US]

Hey there WV! Tonight we had our invasion of Sabertooth! Thanks to all who came and took pictures!

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AUSIA Scavenger Hunt

Hey WV! Today we had an AUSIA Scavenger hunt event! It was really fun! Thanks to all who came and took pictures!

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PB vs the Ice Warriors [UK/US] 9/15/21

Hey there WV! Yesterday we had another PB vs the Ice Warriors and after that we destroyed them in connect four. Thanks to all who came and took pictures! Continue reading

AUSIA Training Event 9/15/21

Hey there WV! Yesterday we had an AUSIA Training Event, thanks to all who came and took pictures!

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AUSIA PB vs Silver Empire [9/11/21]

Hey there WV! Today we had an AUSIA PB vs our brother ally the Silver Empire! Thanks to all who came and GG to Silver Empire! Here are the results

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Practice Battle vs SWAT [US/EU] 9/10/21

Hey there WV! Yesterday we had a PB vs our ally SWAT! Thank you to all who showed up and took pictures! GG to SWAT

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PB vs the Ice Warriors [US/EU] 9/8/21

Hey WV! Yesterday we had a practice battle for the 2nd time in the same day vs our good ally the Ice Warriors! Here are the results.

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