• Welcome to WV! We are the strongest, multi-divisional army. We have soldiers from all over the world and we need YOU! Join our Discord and represent your continent on the battlefield! You'll be part of the most legendary organization in Club Penguin History. FEAR THE WAVE! ~Water Vikings Leaders

[AM] Battle Training Event – 03/25/25

Hola, Water Vikings! 

Today at 01:00 UTC, we logged on for a training in preparation for our battle against the Rebel Penguin Federation this weekend coming. We practiced some major formations across the Iceberg, Docks, and Cove! We had a lot of fun and performed quite well, despite being a little sleepy due to the time. Great stuff guys, keep up the great work.

MAX: 23| AVG: 18

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Donut Takeover

Frostbite, Water Vikings Capital — Heya Vikings! Today, we logged onto the Ice Breaker dressed up in our donut helmets, for the donut takeover! We pulled off some nice forms in the Ice Berg, Coffee Shop and the Snow Forts. Great job everyone! Lets see how it went.

Max: 24

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Tuesday Formation Training

Frostbite, Water Vikings Capital — Hey Vikings! Last Tuesday we logged onto Ice Breaker to practice our formations. We worked on our X form first, and then tried a new formation; the arrow. Both formations turned out great! Lets see how it went.

Max: 20

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Wednesday U-Lead Event

Frostbite, Water Vikings Capital — Hey Vikings! Today we logged onto Ice Breaker for a U-Lead Event! Our troops and staff had a blast getting the chance to lead, and we got to see some creative tactics that they came up with! Lets see how it went.

Max: 21

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Water Vikings Return!

Frostbite, Water Vikings Capital — Hey Vikings! Sunday, we logged onto Ice Breaker for our first event of 2025, and had a Battle with our allies the Rebel Penguin Federation. After the Battle, we held a Cart Surfer minigame! Lets see how it went.

Max: 42

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[AM] Fast Food Takeover – 12/10/24

Goodnight, Water Vikings! 

Today at 0:00 UTC, we logged on for our Fast Food Takeover on Club Penguin. Aaronstone42, the current owner of Water Vikings, was very hungry and he needed to be fed. To solve this, we ran a charity event where every successful formation executed in 10 seconds would result in a McDouble from the local McDonald’s being fed to Aaronstone. If the troops failed to do so, we allowed them to donate a cheeseburger if they could make it successfully during a retry in only 5 seconds. The event had a rocky start, but at the end, with a little help from our friends, we managed to have one of our best formation trainings to date! We practice in the Snow Forts and the Dojo.

MAX: 20| AVG: 17

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[AM] Catchin’ Waves Tournament – 12/09/24

Goodnight, Water Vikings! 

Yesterday at 0:00 UTC, we logged on for our Catchin’ Waves Tournament on Club Penguin! Catchin’ Waves is a surfing game on Club Penguin where you are to avoid being washed out by the waves and perform tricks. Several of us competed, but only one came out victorious. Read below for the winner and pictures!

MAX: 16 | AVG: N/A

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[AM] Villain Takeover – 12/01/24

Goodnight, Water Vikings! 

Today at 01:00 UTC, we logged on for the Villain Takeover as a part of our American Division. For the takeover, we decided to dressed up as popular villains throughout history in media; examples include Caesar, Darth Vader, and mainly the A-Bomb outfit from the 2013 Marvel Takeover. Rather than just training in a traditional sense, we essentially roleplayed landing at the Docks and attacked each room all the way until the Cove, doing various tricky and ideal formations along the way, doing our best to maximize our potential with the size that we had. In a few rooms, such as the Forest and Cove, we challenged our abilities overall by really pushing the limits. Overall, the event went very well and I am happy with the results of the formations and tactics. Read on for pictures!

MAX: 16 | AVG: 10

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[AM] Piss Takeover – 11/30/24

Good afternoon, Water Vikings!

Today at 01:00 UTC, we logged on Club Penguin Army Battleground for our pee Yellow Takeover event! We had a little fun time goofing off and relaxing, but also held a little bit of a training event. We logged off a little early because it is Saturday and we deserved a nice little break after our exhausting war against SWAT. Read on for pics.

MAX: 17 | AVG: 13

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Weekly Recap ༄ Oct. 28 – Nov. 2

Hey there Vikings! We are officially BACK with another week of the Water Vikings! This week we saw much improvement within the army, announcing the enlistment of 3 new HCOM members, 5 new staff members, and the return of a former leader! Without further ado, lets see how we did this week!

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