• Welcome to WV! We are the strongest, multi-divisional army. We have soldiers from all over the world and we need YOU! Join our Discord and represent your continent on the battlefield! You'll be part of the most legendary organization in Club Penguin History. FEAR THE WAVE! ~Water Vikings Leaders

As The Sun Descends…

Greetings WV,

My name is Stromae and I am one of the proud Commanders of the Water Vikings. Before this war even began, whispers and rumors were heard of a great alliance emerging from the grave to challenge the humble Water Vikings. People told us we wouldn’t last this war, people told us we’d be dead in two days, people told us we’re below the excellence of Elmikey.

Those people are wrong.

With all due respect to Elmikey, he ran away from this war.

ACP ran away from this war.

And now the N.D.A are shaking in their little boots as they come to the realization, it’s 3 vs 1.

As they argue and debate amongst themselves, WV still has not faltered under this intense pressure.

As Musta’s DCP links my soldiers IP Grabbers, WV remains strong and humble

As DW posts idiotic “flame-posts” that they think will attract new recruits, WV plunders their so-called “empire”.

WV will defeat the N.D.A, cracks can already be seen.

DW have failed to defend their servers as WV quickly stomps through them

WV is strong together, we must stay united to defeat this corrupt alliance.

A message to AR: If the N.D.A even touches your great empire, WV will offer up it’s full assistance to you. Together we are stronger.


See us on Club Penguin?

If you want to join us and become a Water Viking, just fill out the form below and you will be ranked shortly after. After you have done that, head to our headquarters chat below to receive information about our next battle and communicate with other troops!


The Day The Sun Didn’t Rise

On the 30th of August, 2015, WV Intelligence discovered an unfathomably evil and corrupt agreement between 5 jealous armies. Proclaiming themselves as “The New Dawn Alliance”, their first act of cowardliness was raiding our beloved Capital, Frostbite.

This alliance consists of 5 barbaric armies: Army of Club Penguin, Dark Warriors, Doritos, Ice Warriors and the Rebel Penguin Federation.

They couldn’t beat us on their own accord, the cowards decided to group together and try to topple us from the top. The Water Vikings will NOT allow such cruel actions.

We are disappointed in this community, any sense of pride and humility this ancient community once had, has been washed away by this alliance’s actions.

These cowardly armies and their corrupt leaders only share one thing in common, their power-hungry mind.

This alliance will crumble. The noble Water Vikings army will shine through their barbaric actions and once again prove we are the best.Penguin1012

David vs Goliath

Sunday, the 23rd of August 2015, will go down in WV history as the day the humble Water Vikings Empire conquer the giant Rebel Penguin Federation. Since day 1 the cards have been stacked against us, our path to the final has been the most difficult the Legends Cup has ever seen. We annihilated the Cobras, shined on the Dark Warriors and overcame the Blue Miners Army. What lies ahead of us, can only be compared to the biblical story of David vs Goliath. With your help, the Water Vikings can go down in Club Penguin History.

Past WV Leaders, Legends, and Veterans this is a call for you help, the Water Vikings need you for one last battle

Legends Cup Final

Water Vikings vs Rebel Penguin Federation

 Sunday, the 23rd of August 2015

| 8:00PM UK | 3:00PM EST | 2:00PM CST | 1:00PM MST | 12:00PM PST |



Let us make history