Hello Water Vikings!
On the 7th of October we logged on for a practice battle versus the Red Ravagers and managed to win in all the rooms. Good job Water Vikings!
Max : 26

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Hello Water Vikings!
On the 7th of October we logged on for a practice battle versus the Red Ravagers and managed to win in all the rooms. Good job Water Vikings!
Max : 26
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Hello Water Vikings!
On the 6th of October our two divisions, Arctics and Marines, logged on for a Practice battle with with special guests the Crimson Guardians. All three of the groups present fought hard but in the end the Arctic clan was victorious with a score of [2-1-0] [WTL].
Thank you to everyone who attended
Max : 34
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Hey Water Vikings!
Today we logged on for our debut battle of our two new divisions: Arctic and Marines. Our two brand new divisions went up against each other, alongside a special guest, the Water Ninjas! This three-way battle lasted for 30 minutes as each team fought furiously to win the battle. In the end, everyone performed fantastically but there can only be one winner…
The judges stated, “WVA had great tactics speed, bomb speed, and formations“, which resulted in a score of 2-0-1 (win-loss-tie), in favor of Arctic! Congratulations to Arctic and a great job to the Marines and Water Ninjas! Make sure to attend our second ever division battle against the Crimson Guardians on October 6th at 3PM EST!
Max: 48
-Sarahah, 2ic
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Hello Water Vikings!
Today we marched across CPArmies.net to celebrate our victory in the war against SWAT. After over a month of battling, we finally took their final server on Sunday, September 27th, with allowed us to force treaty. In order to celebrate our long-awaited victory, we held this fun event where we spent 30 minutes marching across the map, from Forts, all the way to the Lighthouse. Amazing job Vikings! Make sure to attend our Grape Takeover on Sunday October 4th at 9AM EST!
Max: 70
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Hiya Water Vikings!
Today we logged onto CPArmies.net in order to have a friendly Practice Battle with our close friends and allies, the Army of CP. Joining in this battle, we saw numerous of other ACP allies, such as Pizza Federation, Silver Empire, and Red Ravagers. There were no winners for this practice battle as it was in celebration of ACP’s 14th birthday!
Happy 14th birthday to one of our amazing allies, Army of CP! Many memories have been made and more are to come.
Max: 44
-Sarahah, 2ic
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Hello Water Vikings!
Today we logged onto CPArmies.net in order to invade SWAT’s land: Skates. We fought strenuously for a duration of 3 rooms. We performed amazingly, and the judges thought so as well, as they said, “WV had a bigger size advantage and performed quicker tactics and better formations!“
Overall, we won rooms 1 and 2 and tied for the final room. This resulted in another win for us, great job! Keep an eye out on #❗❗war-event-info❗❗ , for upcoming invasions and defenses!
Max: 36
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Hey Water Vikings!
Today we logged onto CPArmies.net in order to invade SWAT’s land: White Out. We battled for the duration of 3 rooms… although, we did take a break in the middle of the third room to take a dip in the pool!
Overall, the judges stated that “WV was overall faster, cleaner, and, most importantly, much bigger…” Due to this, we swept SWAT with a score of 3-0-0 and won yet another invasion. Amazing job Water Vikings. Make sure to attend our next invasion tomorrow, September 27th, at 2PM EST!
Max: 40
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Heyyyyy Water Vikings!
Today we logged on the CPArmies.net to defend our land, Fiesta, from SWAT. We battled sedulously for the duration of 3 rooms and our hard work paid off as we swept SWAT in rooms 1 and 2, and tied for the final room. This brings our war score to 16-1-6.
As stated by the judges, “During 3/4 of the battle, WV had a major size difference which made them look larger through formations and movements…” Keep up the hard work Vikings! Remember to attend our next invasion on Saturday, September 26th at 1PM EST.
Max: 40
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Hola, Water Vikings!
Today we logged onto CPArmies.net in order to invade SWAT’s White Out. Although, due to some scheduling issues with the judges, the invasion was deemed invalid.
This did not stop us from having some fun! We instead held a Formation Training where we practiced some fun, intricate forms, including the famous ACP’s Double V! In addition to this, we tried out some uniforms of different armies; such as Green Street Gang, Night Divers, Nachos, Warlords of Kosmos, Mopia, and Golden Guardians. Although had fun for this 30-minute training, this war is far from over… remember to attend our defense against SWAT at 8 PM EST.
Max: 38
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Heyo Water Vikings!
Today we logged onto CPArmies.net in order to invade SWAT’s server: Cozy. We performed amazingly for the duration of 3 rooms. We did so well that we swept SWAT with a score of 3-0-0. The Judge stated that we had “more creative and generally cleaner formations, while their movement tactics were outstanding.“
Fabulous job Water Vikings! Make sure to attend our invasion at 4PM EST AND our defense at 8PM EST for tomorrow, September 24th.
Max: 37
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