• Welcome to WV! We are the strongest, multi-divisional army. We have soldiers from all over the world and we need YOU! Join our Discord and represent your continent on the battlefield! You'll be part of the most legendary organization in Club Penguin History. FEAR THE WAVE! ~Water Vikings Leaders

[22.12.20][US] Presents Vs Ornaments

Greetings Water Vikings!
On the 22nd of December we logged on for a division battle between Presents and Ornaments.
This battle was led by Vivala (Ornaments division) and Guncotton (Presents division).

Max: 23

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[21.12.20][UK] Elf Takeover

Greetings Water Vikings!
On the 21st of December we logged on for an Elf Takeover.

Max: 19

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[29.11.20] Christmas Chaos Round 1

Greetings Water Vikings!
On the 29th of November, we logged on for the first round of Christmas Chaos against Wild Ninjas and we managed to secure a 3-0 victory and advance to the second round!
This event was led by Cotton, Potassium and Vivala.

Max: 35

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2020 Christmas Chaos Round 2

In round 2 of the 2020 Christmas Chaos tournament, Water Vikings went up against Help Force, led by Change. Although we lost, we maxed 50 and are proud of our performance. Here are some of the pictures from the event!

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[EU] Successful Defence of Jackhammer

Hey Water Vikings!

Today we logged on to CPArmies for our Defence of Jackhammer from the Dark Warriors and the First Battle of the War! The battle raged across the Snow Forts, the Berg and the Stadium and despite our opponents size advantage we were able to successfully achieve victory!

Thank you to all Vikings who attended! Keep an eye out for the Nitro Giveaway at the end of the week and promotions for those who attended! make sure to attend our Defence of Icicle from the RPF tomorrow to increase your chances of winning Nitro!

Max: 54
